How To Make $1,000 In 24 Hours Without A Website, Product, Or, Well…. Anything Really.

“I don’t have the money I want.
Is there something I can do?!”
That’s a message I got recently from one of my email subscribers.
Like them, you’re here to learn how to make money quickly. But rather than just give you vague tips and strategies, I’m going to walk the walk with you.
In this guide, I will show you exactly how I was able to bring in a potential $1,500 in less than 10 hours of total work (and only 10 minutes to start getting sales results).
My secret? I didn’t waste time designing the perfect website or crafting the ideal pitch.
I knew where to focus my time and exactly what to do to start making sales fast.
If you’ve never done anything like what I’m about to share, it may take you a few days to wrap your head around the process.
Please take your time and implement this strategy at your own speed. There’s no point in rushing if you’ve never been taught how.
As Unmistakable Creative founder, Srinivas Rao explains:
“Doing a little consistently is always going to be more effective than doing a lot inconsistently.”
I was able to do this in 10 minutes because I have a lot of practice. I’ve consistently built businesses and sold products. And once you go through this guide and process a few times, you’ll be able to as well.
To move fast here, we first need to understand the basics of how great money is made.
Once You Have The Spine Of A Business Down, You Can Move Extremely Fast.

That’s it. That’s how you make money. (Stick with me and you’ll see!)
The worst thing you can do is overcomplicate things at this point. Unfortunately, most newbies don’t realize just how extremely powerful simplicity is.
When starting businesses, newbies obsess about the mechanism. Their genius idea. Their big concept. Their unique approach.
In their obsession with “what” their business is, the beginner ignores the customer and the result they want.
This is what beginners focus on…

This obsession with ideas is everywhere. One of the most searched business terms online is “how to find an idea.” There are full guides written on this. People are rabid to find an idea.
People think you need an idea to be in business.
Leading With An Idea Is A Bias In The Beginner Brain.
You can spot a beginner based on this fact alone. They’re like chickens with their heads cut off bawking “This is my idea! What do you think of my idea!?”
The beginner has not been trained to realize you don’t successfully start a business unless you have a customer that wants a tangible result.
To make money, you need a customer. Not a mechanism or an idea.
In fact, if your customers are being honest, they’ll tell you they don’t even care about your mechanism. All they want is the result.
As marketing guru Seth Godin explains salespeople exist to “discover where desire is and then deliver on that desire.”
To quickly make money, you need to stop looking for ideas and mechanisms. Instead, you need to identify two things:
- The customer you want to serve
- The result they desire
Only after that, can you look for the mechanism that will best work.
To make this idea more concrete, I’ve put together three example customers and the results they want.
By looking at your business spine like this, you’ll see that there are tons of mechanisms that could work to provide the result they desire.
Instead of limiting yourself to your one great, amazing, perfect idea, you’re giving yourself the freedom to create all sorts of businesses, ideas, products, and sales.
Three Examples of Customers & Results

(This Is What The Mechanism Does…)
Another Way Of Seeing This…

In My Businesses, I Don’t Build The Mechanism. I Focus On Selling Results & Outsourcing Mechanism.
Let’s dig deeper into one of these examples to show you exactly how you can build a business out of them.
In this example of how to make $1,000 in 24 hours, I’m going to use massage therapists as my target customer.
As you can see, it’s not about them. But about solving a bigger meta pattern:
Customer > Result > Mechanism.

In our case, our specific customer and desired results will look like this:

Knowing our specific customers and their desired needs helps us come up with a quickly profitable mechanism to help them.
Or, as R. L. Adams writes on Wanderlust Worker:
“When you can identify the opportunity… that’s not the end of the road. That’s just where things start to get interesting. But without first identifying it, there’s nowhere to go from there.”
So let’s get interesting…
One of the biggest problems almost every business has is with customer follow up.
Research shows its 5X as expensive to attract a new customer as it is to keep an existing one. Yet very few businesses make an effort to follow up!
Has the salesman you bought a car from been in touch lately? The answer is likely no.
But if they did follow up, would you likely return or refer them to your friends?
Let’s just look at a little data as an example.
In the niche of real estate, the average homeowner purchases a home once every ~12 years.
So as a realtor, if you had a list of 500 people you stayed in touch with and divided that list by 12 years, you’d sell 41 homes a year.
If the average commission of those sales was $3000, that’s over $120,000 a year just by keeping in touch. No extra marketing. No expenses.
So why don’t more Realtors do it?
It’s not just them. Most businesses lack a true understanding of the value of following up. It seems like a waste of time to chase someone who’s already bought from them.
Their neglect is your opportunity for profit.
Agents gladly pay for this help. There’s a company called Service For Life and my best guess is they do over $10,000,000 per year by giving agents a word document each month to edit and send to past clients.
They charge around $70 per month per agent.
Agents spend under $1,000 a year for a simple way to stay in touch.
It’s a badass business that does exactly what we’re talking about here.
Let’s look at our business spine again, this time using realtors:

Again, don’t get wrapped up in the mechanism.
Realtors want to close more deals and repeat business. Not a newsletter. It’s the result they want. Yet beginning entrepreneurs obsess… “Oh we’ve got to do a newsletter now! That’s our ticket.”
0Find a customer and figure out what result they want. Then hire out the mechanism.
How I Built a Real Follow Up Business for Massage Therapists in Less Than a Day
If one company can help thousands of real estate agents follow up with clients, why not try and do the same for massage therapists?
I figure if a massage therapist has 200 people in their database, and asked for their permission to stay in touch, they could do wonders with just a simple monthly text or email broadcast.
They could send a simple quote of encouragement on something relaxing, a hello, and ask if they’d like a massage that month.
The message might look something like this:
“Take a few deep breaths into your belly and remember to enjoy yourself today. How have you been? If you’d like a nice massage this month let me know, I’m here for you. Signed, Your massage therapist.”
That’s it!
If they sent a text like this to 200 people a month who have paid for a massage in the past, my guess is they would book 20 new messages each month.
Around 10%. Those that don’t want to receive the broadcasts can easily opt-out.
So now I’ve got my customer and the result they want.
It’s time to sell the mechanism to massage therapists.
How I Made My Facebook Ad In 10 Minutes
First, let’s start with my results.
In just 24 hours I had 21 leads and 5 people interested in buying a $300 product, which would have earned me a potential $1,500 from spending $184.93.
To save myself time because this was just an experiment, I only choose to work with 3 this time around.
Because I was doing this just as an experiment to show how making money works, I only worked with 3 people total charging each $300. One of the people backed out because I wasn’t following up because I was busy so I ended up with two customers.
All of these people came from a simple Facebook ad that I made (you can make your own at, but wait until you’ve read the entire post).
Here are the numbers on that:

And here’s what the ad looked like.

Note that I didn’t even have to create a new Facebook Page for the ad (I just used the existing one for The Foundation!)
Now let’s get into the specific of how and why this ad works:
Here’s the exact ad copy I used:
“The Number 1 Way To Keep Your Massage Calendar Full.”
How do you stay in touch with all of your current and past clients as a massage therapist?
I’m looking for a few massage therapists who would like to build an automated stay-in-touch system for all of their past clients. It’s easy, awesome, and fun!
Again, notice that I sell the customer and the results: Massage therapists want an easier way to book repeat clients without advertising.
I used this for the ad video:
Hear the words I use here: It’s easy. Simple. Fun. And it provides the results they want: a cost-effective way to build a full massage calendar.
And I used this for the targeting.

Finally, the ad asked people to send a “message”
Because I wanted to make money quickly, I didn’t want to waste time with too much back-and-forth with potential clients.
Instead, I used Facebook Ads into messenger bots, which lets you talk in real-time to people who want your product.
If you’d like to learn how to do Facebook Ads into Messenger bots, you can go to YouTube and search “Facebook ad to messenger bot.”
Here’s a bunch of YouTube videos explaining that.
Here is how I handled an initial sale that went cold…
Ok, let’s look at how these ads played out in real life.
Here’s what the messenger bot asked to help understand if these were good potential clients for my business:

We talked on the phone and then started working together but I didn’t collect payment and then he got sick and backed out on me. So I just sent this…

I dropped this one as soon as I saw that. In the words of serial entrepreneur, John Rampton:
“Making decisions faster isn’t always about adding new hacks to your arsenal. It’s subtracting certain things from your life to enable the fast-decision-making process.”
Remember we only want people who really want the result. We don’t want everyone.
Here’s another message thread that resulted in a sale.

Moving From An Ad To An Actual Sale: Here’s The Exact Phone Script I Used to Sell My Massage Therapist
The Facebook Ad is a great way to test if you’ve chosen the right desired result for your customer. But to close the sale, the customer needs to feel like your mechanism will provide that result.
Here’s how I figured out exactly what my mechanism would be.
At the end of my regular massage one day I asked my therapist if she had a system for staying in touch with her past clients.
“No, I don’t,” she said.
I said, “Would you like one?”
She said, “Yes.”
So we set up a time to talk on the phone so I could figure out what she wanted and provide a price.
This call recording you’re about to hear is critical because it shows you exactly how we landed on a price together. I had an idea of what I’d charge going in but she couldn’t afford it. I switched the offer around so we could both still win.
Here’s a recording of the sales call with my first paying client:
Have notes ready. Call starts at 2:19 in.
(Note that we have full permission from Allison to share these. Thank you Allison!)
Moving From An Ad To An Actual Sale: Here’s The Exact Phone Script I Used to Sell My Massage Therapist
At this point, you might be thinking “I don’t know anything about massage therapy businesses! Aren’t we just making a bunch of promises we can’t keep?”
No. What we’ve done is identified a customer. Discovered their desired result. Tested the demand for that result with a Facebook Ad. Landed real, paying customers using our phone script.
Now, all we need to do is fulfill our product. But thanks to all the work we’ve already done, we know this doesn’t have to be difficult.
In fact, I’m going to show you exactly how I fulfilled this mechanism. It’s so easy that pretty much anyone can do it:
(Again, I have full permission with Allison to share these.)
Instead of acting like a newbie and starting at this stage, we’ve already made money on our business before obsessing over the mechanism of it.
Now Watch Me Complete The Mechanism, This Last Video Is Gold…
One More Example: How I Helped My Sister Implement This Exact Strategy
This business idea can work for any service-based business.
For example, my sister loves dermatology, so she started sending out messages to the places she visits asking if they’d be willing to do a trade. She’d help with follow up for free dermatology treatments.
It’s a great way to get started.
She sent a message like this…

And got a response like this…

The Pitch: How To Think Of Making Money By Helping Businesses Follow Up
I created this little primer for my sister to start helping businesses with following up. The primer is yours to use for any niche or industry you want!
This is what you’d want to say to a business in regards to a follow-up strategy.
Read this until it’s memorized!
Most follow up systems completely miss the boat and are often ignored by paying customers. They are things like, “how did we do”, “happy birthday”, “winter savings special”, etc. What I propose is a follow-up system that is fun, personal, and interactive.
Instead of corporate branded follow ups, we use email as a friend would send, which means we would send short, personal emails. These get engagement, response, and drive sales at a higher multiple than corporate branded emails.
The secret with follow up is to focus on a connection by sending simple emails. Most follow ups are about the business and not focused on the customer, which is often why they’re ignored. Most follow up systems are set up and forgotten and never measured.
I will be not only be creating a more personal follow up but also measuring the results (open rate, sales) of each email and improving them over time. Your follow-up campaign will consistently get better and better. I will be tuning your follow-up process to become a consistently improving money-making asset for your business.
The key here is that you’re making this process efficient and personal for them.
Here’s an example of what this follow-up campaign might look like:
- Customer visits dermatologists
- 24 hours later: How is your face doing? Send us a selfie.
- On the first of every month, we send a message saying “Welcome to January!” and ask if they need help with anything
This kind of email gets more opens, more replies, and ultimately more sales. But people don’t want to put the work into creating them.
This is your opportunity! You’re helping the business increase sales and get better Google Reviews from their customers who are happier and feeling acknowledged.
Let’s go through the steps one more time.
When working with a new business:
Step 1
Find out everything they are currently doing for follow up
Step 2
Ask what they are happy and unhappy with, in regards to their follow up process
Step 3
Find out the customer value, low to high – find a fair price based on results
Step 4
Ask if they understand the true goal of follow up, which is to make sure the customer is happy and find out how their customers are doing
The mechanism at this point is simple and just requires working with your customer on 3 things:
- Decide how often they are sent
- Choose the channels to send them through and when
- Write the messages that will be sent
That’s it! You’ve built a successful, automated system for them to follow up with their clients and bring in more repeat business.
Your Next Steps…
You can use the content of this guide to help build your own follow-up business and make $1,000+ in 24 hours.
Start by picking your niche/customer.
Who are you trying to help and where do they live?
If I gave you a list of niches here, that industry would just get hammered. So here’s how to find your own.
Go to Google and type in a city and then letters of the alphabet until you see a suggestion you like (You’ll use this for targeting your Facebook ad).
You see I just typed “Des Moines a” to see lots of great ideas for suggestions…

Then you get creative and start trying things like…

If you are struggling to think of what niche to go into just run your advertisement for three different niches and see which one is the most profitable.
Next, build a Facebook Ad for your follow-up business.
You can use my ad copy and idea and model it for your niche. Here are the tools you need:
- Google Drive – To create the presentation
- – To record the video
- – to create the ad
Finally, use the sales call example and customer pitch above to help close the deal and build your mechanism.
The rest you can just figure out on your own. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Don’t live in fear with this. Just go try it out and let yourself be a mess. Have some fun.
Run an ad, set a max budget of $100 and see what happens!
Focus On Your Customer and Results. The Rest Will Follow.
Making money is a skill you can master. And it’s only getting easier to learn.
As blogger and side hustler Ryan Robinson explains:
“If you have an internet connection and a few dollars in your bank account, there is little that can actually get in the way of you making some extra money online.”
I’ve spent years building and helping others build profitable online businesses with low to no resources.
If you’d like to build a brain that understands how to make money, please consider getting my book below…
Start A Business, Fast.
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