What Would Happen If

You Went All In?

What would happen if you stopped looking for one tool, one book, one course, one method, one means of escape? ... And instead just did the work.

You'd Know How To Build Wealth

You’d take the Wealth Dynamics Profile

Wealth Dynamics Profile

You’d Work With Your Instincts Instead Of Against Them

You’d take the Kolbe A Index

Kolbe Corp

You'd Know How To Start

You'd read the following books

Start From Zero

The $100 Start Up

Testing Business Ideas

Value Proposition Design

You'd Know Sales

You'd read the following books

Spin Selling

Flip The Script

Breakthrough Advertising

You'd Know Sales

You'd read the following books

The E-Myth

Dotcom Secrets

The 1 Page Marketing Plan

The Ultimate Sales Machine

The Invincible Company

You'd Know Fundamental Business

You'd read the following books

Business Model Generation

Profit First

The Pumpkin Plan

You'd Understand Copywriting

You'd read the following books

The Ultimate Sales Letter

Scientific Advertising

The 16-Word Sales Letter™

You'd Make Your First Hire To Help Automate Your Life

You'd visit the following websites


You'd purchase Perry Marshall's best selling book, just to be around his mind.

80/20 Sales & Marketing

#1 - You’d Run Your First Webinar For A Friend Or Local Business

Webinars make money. Lots of it. You’d learn how to run a webinar for a local business. You’d do one for free and find a business to serve, for free.

You’d sign up to Demio under this affiliate link

What would happen if you stopped looking for one tool, one book, one course, one method, one means of escape?

And did the work?



You wouldn’t ask me how to run a webinar. You wouldn’t ask me how to promote this. You’d figure it all out on your own. You’d go to amazon and read the following books on running great webinars.

Before long you’d start charging $500 to $1,000 to run a webinar for a business and have your own money making skill.


#2 - You'd Buy & Master ClickFunnels Because It Will Make You A Better Marketer

How would you do it? You’d put together your first online funnel for a friend or local area business.


And then send business owners an email like this…

# Option B:- Want To Sell Your Own Products? Do It This Way...

In my businesses, I’ve spent an unholy amount of $$$ on designers, coders, and software tools.

Then ClickFunnels came along.

Whether you’re selling B2B consulting, health supplements, a course, or even SOAP BARS.

ClickFunnels probably has a pre-built funnel to create your entire sales process from beginning to end in 1-click, and for a fraction of the cost.

#3 - Then You'd Setup Your First Website & Blog

You’d know how to setup your own website and blog, not because it would make you money, but so you don’t fear it, just to understand the process. Your head might hurt for a little bit, and then it won’t, and you’ll know how to do it.


Get The #1 Best Selling Book

See new research on personality traits pulled from 30 successful
  • Learn the 3 little rocks
  • The 4 brains
  • The 4 levels
  • The 7 skills
  • 15 real world examples
  • Plus how to transform your whole mindset

This is a page with my top recommendations. We earn commission on anything you purchase from this page and that money goes to support our business and our families, so thank you in advance for your generosity in purchasing through these links. Every recommendation on this page is done with a confident stance.