Build Your Freedom With Dane & 150 Other Awesome Humans. Space Is Limited.

Welcome To The Starters Community. Gain Access To Calls With Dane's Top Board of Advisors on a Monthly Basis… And 1 On 1 Access To Dane or His Top Students When You Need Help.

What Would Happen To Your Brain If You Surrounded Yourself With Dane & Others Inside Starters?

So Many Start...

But only few have freedom

But only few build the true skills

But only few stick with it to the end

Business Is Hard, Frustrating, And Difficult To Do Alone.
Imagine it’s a Monday, you wake up and visit the community to see a post with someone who just got their first sale. You see a screenshot of the dollar amount. You’re inspired to work harder yourself. Then you see another post with someone who’s struggling to pick their niche, and you feel a little less hard on yourself to see someone else is struggling too.
Then you get into state, and perform your Starter daily ritual and begin crushing it.
What Is The Starter Daily Ritual?

There is virtually no risk in starting a business this way. And if you do this process daily, you will build all the skills you need to succeed.
Everyday you wake up to find someone’s problem and solve it for them. Eventually you start to learn Entrepreneurship in your bones. You see you don’t have to be an expert. You start building businesses you don’t have to work in.

The “Traditional” Path
- Look to own expertise
- Create website
- Make product or course (around their own expertise)
- Look for customers
- Pray it works
- Perform random acts of marketing
- Fail and call business risky..

The Starter Context
- People first
- Problems second
- Sales third
- Outsource product creation fourth
- Get results with first customer fifth
- Scale using math sixth
- Get rich and actually have fun
Get Mentoring, Get Accountability, Get Laser Focus

Private Group

Live Chat Room w/ Dane

Always Live Hang & Work Video Chat Rooms

Guided Entrepreneurial Meditations To Maintain Focus

Automated Software Tool With Progress Of All Members

90 Minute Monthly Board Of Advisor Calls Kick Your Ass
Here's The Price
The price of this program is $1499 per year

$4 Per Day

$32 Per Week

$1499 Per Year
Payment In Full Only One Payment Option Serious Students Only
Since 2021 Will Be Our Last Year, We Are Offering The Membership For
$500 Less
100% Money Back Guarantee, Take The First 6 Lessons (within 30 Days) And Then Ask For A Refund If You Don’t Love Starters!

The Biggest Benefit Of This Group
You’ll learn to think like an entrepreneur, not an expert. Often people are stuck with problems like…
“How do I find an idea?”
“How do I pick a niche?”
“How do I outsource a product to be created?”
“How do I find people to talk too?”
“How do I know if my idea is any good?”
“Which of these ideas should I pick from to pursue?”
And here’s the problem with every single one of those questions. And almost no one knows this. If you ask a tactical question like this, you’ll get a tactical answer. Employees love tactics. But tactical questions almost never address the root problem or give you any sense of power.
Instead of asking tactical questions, you’ll learn to ask transformative questions.
Instead of asking about “how do I find an idea?” you’d ask…
“What plan can I follow that will reveal an amazingly simple painful idea people are willing to pay for?”
One puts you in the power seat, the other puts you in an employee’s seat.
Smart people know the answers. Geniuses have the right questions. And in business the answers are always changing. So it pays to have the right questions. This community will be that place for you.
Here Are The Lifestyles Start From Zero Students Now Have...

Carl is no longer at Tesla during the day.

Dave isn’t behind a desk, and travels to places like Africa.

Steve travels the world
(and looks over epic cities with his friends).

Amar, David, and Jeremy (left to right) play paintball.

David loves to hike

Geordie travels in tok toks in sri lanka with his family

Fabi takes her daughters to the zoo

Amar spends most of his time traveling…

Cris holds big events like these…

And holds his girl outside of museums...

Chandler likes to take his girl to Disney (whenever he wants)

Maxie visits foreign countries

Tanay visits Greece with his Fiance!
So What Holds People Back?
We know it’s not having access to the tactics.
Those are available in my book. It’s not the strategy, those are also available in my book. What holds people back are the simple things. Focus, accountability, and community is what someone needs to do this, and you get all of those in this group.
What holds people back? Trying to do it alone.
It’s not your fault if you’ve tried in the past and failed. If you’ve tried and failed something is missing. It’s not you. So what’s missing? Your readiness to have focus, accountability, and community. Don’t join unless you’re ready for that.
Businesses exist to solve a problem and improve life. The next 12 months of COVID-19 is going to create more wealth for people who practice and live in the context from Start From Zero.
That context is…

But we are especially learning how to build businesses we don’t have to work in. That’s the key.
Right now, you can be one of the intelligent ones who takes advantage of this new transfer of wealth and new business creation. This is your time to start a business and never depend on anyone or anything for a paycheck again.
I started my business by myself in 2006 and it took me two years to get my first mentors. But once I had my mentors, I took off. My mentors were books and the seminars I went to too.
Get Mentoring, Get Accountability, Get Laser Focus

Private Group

Live Chat Room

Always Live Hang & Work Video Chat Rooms

Guided Entrepreneurial Meditations To Maintain Focus

Automated Software Tool With Progress Of All Members

90 Minute Monthly Board Of Advisor Calls Kick Your Ass
Here's The Price
The price of this program is $1499 per year

$4 Per Day

$28 Per Week

$1499 Per Year
Payment In Full Only One Payment Option Serious Students Only
Since 2021 Will Be Our Last Year, We Are Offering The Membership For
$500 Less
100% Money Back Guarantee, Take The First 6 Lessons (within 30 Days) And Then Ask For A Refund If You Don’t Love Starters!

Thank God I Found My Mentors.
Just two years after I started my software business, the real estate market crashed and I was selling software to the real estate industry. Was I screwed? Society (and the news) tried to tell me that, but my income tripled during the recession in 2008, because I had a mentor tell me one thing.
If I would have had this group back when I started, I would have 10x the money I have today.
And my income tripled because I had a mentor tell me: Money is always moving. Don’t listen to the news. In real estate it moved from first time home buyers to foreclosures, but money kept moving.
The group is simple. It’s nothing fancy or shiny.
Here’s What You Get

A private Facebook Group to ask #questions, #sharewins, post #frustrations to get help from mentors and other members.

A live virtual “Hang Out & Work Room” that is always on that you can hop in and connect with anyone from the group at any time. Members will often work together, practice idea extraction, chat together, and connect. Yes, you’ll get an always on room to drop in and connect with whoever is online, 24/7.

Audio workouts to practice each day (based on tactics taught in the book Start From Zero) to build your mind. This is the critical missing piece. Consistently building your mind over time like a muscle will make it extremely successful.

An automated software tool that visually charts where every student is on their journey, with screenshots sharing their results. It’s incredible.

LIVE monthly “Board Of Advisors” calls with experts like Dane or other epic mentors, including accountability check-ins each month to state your actions for the month and report last month’s progress.
One of the biggest benefits of this group is that you will only be surrounded by serious people. We only accept people who are reading Start From Zero or listening on Audible. People who read or listen to books make much better students than those who don’t.
10 Companies Were Born During Recessions...
- General Electric. Launched: 1892… 2019 Revenue: $95.2 Billion.
- General Motors. Launched: 1908. … Now 137.2 Billion
- IBM. Launched: 1911. … Now 77 Billion
- Disney. Launched: 1929. … Now 69 Billion
- HP. Launched: 1939. … Now 58 Billion
- Hyatt. Launched: 1957. … Now 5 Billion
- Trader Joe’s. Launched: 1958. … Now 13.3 Billion
- FedEx. Launched: 1971. Now 65.5 Billion
- Microsoft. Launched 1975. Now 125.8 Billion
- Electronic Arts. Launched 1982. Now 4.5 Billion
Crisis is the best time for you to step up. This is when amazing things can happen. And if you’re afraid, if you’re anxious, if you’re unsure, if you need help, if you need encouragement, you’ll find all of that inside Starters.
We wait to feel safe to take action. But we need hero’s right now. Hero’s take action while their hands tremble. Not when they’re trembling.
All you need is to make the decision to show up each day no matter what, Starters can carry you the rest of the way.
Your worth does not depend on building a successful business, and it never will. Start a business not for worth, but because freedom feels damn good.
Here’s The Price

$4 Per Day

$28 Per Week

$1499 Per Year
The price is $1499 per year and there is only one payment option. You’re either all in for the year or you’re not, that’s what success in this group will take. If you’re looking to try something for a few months, this isn’t for you. We don’t want that kind of half-way energy in our members.
Every person you meet will be on the same wavelength of commitment as you.
You can make your money back on the first bonus alone…
You Will Be Kicked Out If You Don’t Take Action...

We have a three strikes and you’re out policy. If you don’t take action for three weeks you will be removed from the program. We have a software program that will track your activity and so if you don’t perform, you’re gone. You will be removed from the program and lose half of your investment.
Note: if you already own a successful business but want to be around awesome people, or if you graduate to “starter” status by starting your first business with a paying customer you are safely tenured inside the program and safe from removal. But until you get to that point you better hustle baby.

Fast Action Bonus #1
Get Access To A Real World Call of Me Making $1,000 In 30 Minutes
Make your money back right away with this first bonus. Watch me use The Five Questions with my accountant, and find a $1,000 sale in just 30 minutes from scratch.
It’s yours as soon as you sign up.

Fast Action Bonus #2
Get Access To My Board Of Advisors Monthly, LIVE
“The single best business decision you will ever make is to intentionally work with a peer group on a regular basis to question assumptions, ask hard questions (the kind you hope nobody will ask), alert you to icebergs, raise the bar, and push and hold you accountable.”
– Keith Cunningham
Business Mentor to Tony Robbins.
How would you like to sit with my board of advisors each month and get advice from them? Here’s what will be your board of advisors each month.
I firmly believe in the woo-woo world. I think it rapidly creates results. The quantum field is an epic place to tap and live from. Living from a place of survival creates slow progress. To rapidly create wealth you must shift your state by talking with really smart people. This is your chance to access the same board of advisors I use for my business.
Every single month you’ll get to sit with them.
The first Monday of each month, you’ll hear from a top business expert to reshape your brain, (like me or another epic business person).
Then on Tuesdays, you’ll hear from my top advisor for focus to rapidly increase your productivity. Focus is king. Without it, you have stress and no results.
Then on Wednesdays, you’ll get deep quantum level training from my top spiritual teacher on topics that can alter the thought frequencies from fear to love and abundance. Operating from abundance is the often missing ingredient in new entrepreneurs failing. They cling to everything they find, because they still don’t believe in abundance.

Fast Action Bonus #3
See Inside How I Validate & Build SaaS Businesses
Get access to my private SaaS documents to see how I validate, hire, and built SaaS businesses. You’ll be shocked at how simple they are.

This Program Is For You If You Really Want Results & Are Ready To Sweat Alongside Others
The price of this program is $1499 per year and there is only one payment option. You’re all the way in for the year or you’re not, that’s what kind of people you want to be around. If you’re looking to try something for a few months, this isn’t for you.
We don’t want half-way in members. You don’t want to be around those people either.
Every person you meet will be on the same wavelength of commitment as you.

Frequently Asked Questions
“I’ve been really let down in the past with other communities, how do I know that won’t happen here?”
I know what it’s like to be disappointed by a program. I hate that feeling. We are positive you’ll love it that we offer a complete guarantee. If you experience a let down after joining this program just complete our no hassle refund form and we will cancel your account and get you a refund right away.
“I’m concerned people won’t be as active as I am, what if that happens?”
Every member has to earn their place through working. We have a three strikes and you’re out policy. You will be kicked out if you don’t take action for three weeks in a row. We have a unique software that tracks every single member’s results. If you don’t show results or action for three weeks, you’ll be removed for the program and lose half of your investment.
“I was surprised the price was only $1499, I was thinking it would be $4,999 to $9,999. Why is it so low?”
This is simple. This is a passion project for me, not a place I’m looking to maximize my profit. I make my money in software, I want to serve deeply with this endeavor. At this price you can profit quickly. I also want to keep it at this price so that just maybe… you are so happy you are inclined to stay for 5 or 10 years. But of course you can always easily cancel.

One Last Bonus!
See How Steve Makes $150,000 Per Year With The Lumber Milling Niche By Following This Book
If you’d like to see a seriously cool application of how this book looks when it’s implemented, you’ll get access to an in-depth walkthrough of Steve’s business and see how it flows within the Start From Zero framework.
Get Mentoring, Get Accountability, Get Laser Focus

Private Group

Live Chat Room

Always Live Hang & Work Video Chat Rooms

Guided Entrepreneurial Meditations To Maintain Focus

Automated Software Tool With Progress Of All Members

90 Minute Monthly Board Of Advisor Calls Kick Your Ass
Here's The Price
The price of this program is $1499 per year

$4 Per Day

$32 Per Week

$1499 Per Year
Payment In Full Only One Payment Option Serious Students Only
Since 2021 Will Be Our Last Year, We Are Offering The Membership For
$500 Less
100% Money Back Guarantee, Take The First 6 Lessons (within 30 Days) And Then Ask For A Refund If You Don’t Love Starters!

Take The First 6 Lessons & Then Ask For A Refund If You Don’t Like It
How will you know if something is a good fit for your situation, unless you give it your best shot? Right now you can take the Starters community risk free for the first 6 lessons/within 30 days before fully committing.
Pay the $1499 (so we know you’re a serious student) and go through the first six lessons and try it out for 30 days. On the sixth lesson we will ask you to kindly leave and request a full refund if you don’t feel this program is a valuable fit for you.
It’s not for everyone. And you won’t know if that’s you or not until you try.

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