SFZ 018: Doubling Her Pay, Here’s How

• Show Summary
Kristina learns how to double the rate from her client, and to increase sales with her online niche business.
• Show Notes
See the one critical component to allow you to increase what you charge.
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• Episode Transcript

[00:01:12] I’m talking to my friend, Christina. Christina, you are in Encinitas, is that right? That’s correct. And do you recommend people visit there?

[00:01:20] Guest: [00:01:20] Absolutely not. It’s going to end up them staying there.

[00:01:26] Dane: [00:01:26] Yup. It is the never, never land of America folks.

[00:01:29] Guest: [00:01:29] I cannot believe I ever left this place,

[00:01:33] Dane: [00:01:33] so I had to follow my intuition or voice or soul or whatever you would want to call it.

[00:01:38] But I do love Encinitas. So what’s your big goal for this call?

[00:01:42] Guest: [00:01:42] So my big goal is activate financial abundance for myself in the sense that I want to do money things separately from my life purpose because I kind of figured that what I’m here for would not bring me a [00:02:00] lot of money. I’m passionate about theater acting.

[00:02:04] And that’s what I want to do. Comedy and theater, comedy, improv, and I want to, you know, have income that supports my creative

[00:02:13] Dane: [00:02:13] activities. No, this is great because there’s probably ways you could blend and make money with it. But it’s so highly experimental that it would take some time to figure out when there are such fast paths to make money that you can just do those and then do theater acting.

[00:02:30] So what do you do for money right now?

[00:02:33] Guest: [00:02:33] Several things. I am a consultant, a web development agency. I’m user experience specialist and the project manager, and I work from home on hourly arrangements. I work part time. I’m flexible. I can do full time, part time, but I prefer to give the minimum amount of hours because I want to live my life by the ocean.

[00:02:56] I want to see the ocean. I want to go to yoga. We want to see my son and spend time with him. Friends, partner. So it is all the things are my priorities, not work. Also wrong voiceover agency and I have periodical clients, not consistent stream of clients, but I have very interesting, cool projects where I take the order.

[00:03:17] And deliver the project. Someone else actually recording for me. I just manage things and sometimes I record myself cause you know, actress and been doing voiceover since the age of 10

[00:03:29] Dane: [00:03:29] what’s your favorite voiceover? Can you do one right now? Well, I

[00:03:35] Guest: [00:03:35] can speak the whole hour. That sounds my favorite one. No, most of my project, they need normal voice. Uh, so it’s mostly an aeration and some commercial. I’ve done projects for Facebook, Google, Sony, Hondai, Coanda, BMW, silver

[00:03:54] Dane: [00:03:54] stuff. Yeah, there are thing I

[00:03:58] Guest: [00:03:58] do. I have a property [00:04:00] in Chicago that are been though, and it brings me residual income.

[00:04:05] And the fourth one, I just started my investment portfolio. Yay. Um, uh, just something like a longterm thing that’s supposed to come late. Money. So I have faith in my portfolio.

[00:04:20] Dane: [00:04:20] Right. Okay, so how much is the real estate bringing in?

[00:04:24] Guest: [00:04:24] It covers my expenses here in this apartment in Encinitas, so 1800

[00:04:31] Dane: [00:04:31] that’s great.

[00:04:32] What’s your amount per month that you need or want to have.

[00:04:36] Guest: [00:04:36] You know, I’m on a pretty good financial place right now. If I can not do my job, even though I enjoy it.

[00:04:44] Dane: [00:04:44] How would you feel if you worked on your voiceover business for like three, four hours a day and age you between five and 25 grand a month?

[00:04:51] Guest: [00:04:51] That would be

[00:04:51] Dane: [00:04:51] fantastic. Do you think there’s potential to do that there?

[00:04:55] Guest: [00:04:55] Not so much. I’m on the very niche market. I’m providing brush and voice. So bar

[00:04:59] Dane: [00:04:59] and Matthew say you outsource some of the voices though. Yeah, but there’s still Russian voices that you S source

[00:05:05] Guest: [00:05:05] most of the time.

[00:05:07] Dane: [00:05:07] What if you expanded your voiceover business outside of Russia and hired other voiceover actors?

[00:05:12] Guest: [00:05:12] That’s super easy. I can do this. And there’s this, like I have the whole network of voiceover in multiple languages. There’s a something that’s been the Russian. Boy silver is the core business, the core service that I’m offering, but I also able to provide any other voices, languages on the planet have access to.

[00:05:34] Dane: [00:05:34] Yeah. That’s where my attention goes the most. How much you make with consulting? Is it per hour you get paid?

[00:05:38] Guest: [00:05:38] Yeah. Insulting it is per hour.

[00:05:40] Dane: [00:05:40] What do you make per hour doing that? 40

[00:05:42] Guest: [00:05:42] an hour.

[00:05:43] Dane: [00:05:43] Oh, geez. That’s it. What are you consulting

[00:05:46] Guest: [00:05:46] on? A project management and user experience.

[00:05:50] Dane: [00:05:50] Wow. They’re only paying 40 bucks an hour for user experience.

[00:05:53] Could you double that?

[00:05:55] Guest: [00:05:55] That was my goal last year. That’s going to be my goal for this year. I’m going to double [00:06:00] it, but with a different company. I don’t believe this company that I’m been for eight years. Escapable comfortable paying me anything beyond 40 because I already extended them multiple times.

[00:06:13] Dane: [00:06:13] How would you feel saying, Hey guys, I’ve created some new standards for my life and one of them is I won’t work for anything less than $80 an hour. I appreciate our relationship. So I understand if you can’t afford this anymore, but I think we’ll need to exit this contract. Yes. Can you do it? Something like that.

[00:06:28] Guest: [00:06:28] I am okay doing something like this. I just want to have my options, like actively having other engagement happening cause I really like that this job keeps me in the industry, keeps me in the loop. I don’t want to like aggregate it and not finding any other interesting projects because it keeps my brain constantly evolving in a professional way and keeping me on my feet and other engagement that really value my opportunity to work from home.

[00:06:59] And my hours are so flexible right now that other engagements are trying to get me outside of my house. Driving to their facilities, which I’m not comfortable, and they have so many of those sort of Olafur’s or indentations that are not resonating with me. So I need to generate a manifest, something similar to what I have right now that’ll be comfortable.

[00:07:23] Yes, for sure.

[00:07:24] Dane: [00:07:24] Let’s just start with you speaking or writing that letter out loud and not maybe sending it, but letting you know yourself and the universe. Hear it from the manifestation perspective.

[00:07:36] Guest: [00:07:36] I love how you started ESI, creative thing you spend from my lifestyle and I want sell my time for no less than $80 an hour.

[00:07:45] Dane: [00:07:45] All right, so then add that I’m going to walk away part two B. You’re not going to say it to them. You’re saying it right now for this.

[00:07:51] Guest: [00:07:51] Yes. If you are not comfortable to pay me that amount, I will have to find another engagement. Then LinkedIn [00:08:00] agency.

[00:08:00] Dane: [00:08:00] Yep. Let’s besides that one again. So it’s full of heart.

[00:08:03] This is tough. You know, most people won’t do this for like, I can’t do that. I can’t raise my prices. Well, yeah, you’re sure you can’t actually. And is that clear?

[00:08:11] Guest: [00:08:11] Yes, absolutely. And it’s clear. I don’t believe I want to do this to these people. I’m not actually asking them for anything more. It’s been a pattern of me leaving the company with exactly the same conversation three times already.

[00:08:26] And as a result, I always got the rate increase, but the energy around that, I was so not enjoying it. So this time I was like, okay, I’m just leaving and I’m leaving for the another cool opportunity.

[00:08:40] Dane: [00:08:40] Yes. So we’re not going to say it to them. We’re just practicing saying it. So let’s just try and put all of your heart into.

[00:08:48] If they’re not able to pay the 80 and say that out

[00:08:50] Guest: [00:08:50] loud, I value my time and I bow you. What I bring to the company right now and my compensation would feel fair to me that it is fair to me is no less than $80 an hour. That’s how I would feel loved and valued and taking care of while I’m taking care of your company, bringing you income and delivering on your peace of mind and delighting your customers.

[00:09:21] Achieving your goals. I

[00:09:23] Dane: [00:09:23] let me stop you. I’m really happy we’re doing this. So let’s try it this way. How you feel about what you make is not what will determine if they pay you that the value that you bring to that company is what will determine what you’re paid. So I had a friend of mine and he was like trying to get money over here cause he needed it.

[00:09:44] Like, so he’s like, I need you to give me some of this money to go here. And then there I was like, what. What are you talking about? Money does not go where it’s needed. Money goes where value’s exchanged. What world are you in, where you would believe that money goes here cause you feel like you need it.

[00:09:58] Money goes where values [00:10:00] exchanged. If you’d like to get a free one on one with me and beyond this show, you can find out [email protected] forward slash podcast.

[00:10:10] Guest: [00:10:10] Thank you.

[00:10:12] Dane: [00:10:12] So what matters is for like the $80 is the return they get for it. Right. And you know what’s interesting is that it’s not all, let’s say it’s maybe 30% personal.

[00:10:23] I want to say it’s not even personal at all. It’s just like this is the value they get. It’s not personal. You know? There’s no self esteem. There’s no,

[00:10:30] Guest: [00:10:30] I bring the value for the company and that’s how much I should be compensated for.

[00:10:36] Dane: [00:10:36] Oh God, that sounds so good. All right, so give this another go.

[00:10:39] Guest: [00:10:39] I believe I bring the value for the agency way more than $80 an hour and I want to be compensated at the rate of $80 an hour.

[00:10:51] That’s how I would feel being compensated fairly at this point.

[00:10:55] Dane: [00:10:55] So stop. Not, that’s what I feel. I would be compensated fairly. Say I think this is fair based on the value I’m providing.

[00:11:03] Guest: [00:11:03] This is fair based on the value that I’m providing.

[00:11:07] Dane: [00:11:07] That’s so good. It feels so good. It’s a slippery slope. You can dip into those feelings so easily and then it just falls apart.

[00:11:14] All right, let’s do it again. This is amazing. You’re doing great.

[00:11:17] Guest: [00:11:17] The value that I’m bringing into the company is way more that I am currently compensated and the compensation that I’m requesting is $80 an hour as a fair compensation to the value I bring to the company.

[00:11:31] Dane: [00:11:31] Both. Let’s try it again. So there’s many ways we could do it.

[00:11:34] Put your hand on your heart, one hand on your heart, and then one hand on your belly. So now just between you and I, let’s just practice expressing and getting congruent with this. I really want. At least $80 an hour.

[00:11:49] Guest: [00:11:49] I really wanted to please $80 an hour.

[00:11:53] Dane: [00:11:53] How much permission do you feel right now? There’s no right or wrong answer.

[00:11:57] Whatever’s there right now is the right answer.

[00:12:00] [00:11:59] Guest: [00:11:59] 100%

[00:12:01] Dane: [00:12:01] so you’re feeling congruent for what you’re asking for?

[00:12:03] Guest: [00:12:03] Oh, no, absolutely. That is so funny that you said this. Number 80 because this was like Zackly the number. That was my goal for the whole last year, and that’s what I was like. Shooting for.

[00:12:15] Dane: [00:12:15] Very good.

[00:12:16] You know, I was thinking about selling my time for one on one sessions. I was like, yeah, no, I think a thousand bucks sounds fine. And then I’m hiring this gal who’s like 26 for like a one-on-one for copywriting. And I saw her prices like 1500 and I was like, what?

[00:12:35] Guest: [00:12:35] Oh,

[00:12:37] Dane: [00:12:37] okay, I’ll pay it. And I was like, I’m going to make sure I’m gonna make dang sure I get my money’s worth for this hour course.

[00:12:45] And I’m like, Oh, you know, I think I’ll do 1500 come to me when you really want to get your money’s worth. Don’t come to me when you want to hang out. Don’t come to me when you want to connect. Come to me when you want to get your money’s worth and you can pay me 1500 we’ll spend an hour and we’ll make you however much.

[00:12:58] You know what I mean? Even getting you from 40 to 80 we’ll double your rate so it would be more than worth to pay 1500 for this. Not because of how I feel because of what the value

[00:13:09] Guest: [00:13:09] it would pray.

[00:13:10] Dane: [00:13:10] So that’s what’s important. And I don’t think people get this. They’re like, well, you know, my rate’s going to be this, or I think my rates should be this.

[00:13:16] Instead, we should just take our personal vendetta out of it and say, you keep a little bit of it in there, but like, it’s like, you know, what’s the value provided? So one last time on that, if I was the company who’d hired you, what would you be saying to me? Hypothetically.

[00:13:29] Guest: [00:13:29] I bring a lot of value into the company.

[00:13:32] A lot of growth, a lot of peace of mind, many years of professionalism, and I am not compensated fairly, and my fair compensation should be $80 an hour,

[00:13:45] Dane: [00:13:45] too much personal. Let’s do like two or three sentences. You know, I was thinking about the value that I’ve been bringing this company, and I think the value is way more than 40 I think devalues more than 150 or 200 but what I wanted to let you know is the least amount I would be willing to [00:14:00] accept this 80 for the value that I’m providing.

[00:14:05] Okay. That will be a big shift. So I’m going to give you like two business lessons that I want to have you sort of really start to chew on. So first I want to give you the four components of an income stream. . So a four components of an income stream, our customer pain solution offer. Who’s the customer?

[00:14:23] What’s the pain? What’s the solution? What’s the offer? So let’s look at your real estate rental. In Chicago. You have a customer, they have a pain. Do you have a solution? They pay you an offer. Your voiceover was an example customer there.

[00:14:37] Guest: [00:14:37] Another voiceover agency or company who needs localization projects down

[00:14:44] Dane: [00:14:44] the niche.

[00:14:45] Sounds so cool. What’s their pain.

[00:14:47] Guest: [00:14:47] They need a reliable resource for Russian voiceover and Donna’s professionally.

[00:14:54] Dane: [00:14:54] That’s the offer. What’s the pain?

[00:14:57] Guest: [00:14:57] They don’t have the resource.

[00:14:59] Dane: [00:14:59] There you go. What do you mean by resource?

[00:15:01] Guest: [00:15:01] They don’t have anyone who would record it. Then this language for them

[00:15:05] Dane: [00:15:05] and what does that mean?

[00:15:07] Because they can’t have that. Then what does that mean? They can’t run the advertisements. They can’t run the programs, so they can’t,

[00:15:13] Guest: [00:15:13] or they cannot resell essentially their product to the whole. Come chain of Russia.

[00:15:19] Dane: [00:15:19] Yeah. In the Russian customer context. Yes. And that’s a pretty serious pain. So without the proper voiceover, their advertisements can’t run and they can’t sell their products.

[00:15:28] So try and say that for the pain.

[00:15:30] Guest: [00:15:30] Yes. They won’t be able to sell their product or service or run their advertisement to a specific group of

[00:15:36] Dane: [00:15:36] customers. So you see, they don’t really want voiceover.

[00:15:41] Guest: [00:15:41] Yes.

[00:15:41] Dane: [00:15:41] What do they want?

[00:15:43] Guest: [00:15:43] They want their product to be sold. They want revenue.

[00:15:46] Dane: [00:15:46] I like this voiceover niche gives me the chills as we’re talking about it.

[00:15:50] So customer is

[00:15:52] Guest: [00:15:52] the customer, is that agency another voiceover agency or company that is selling [00:16:00] their product to the Russian market? Entering the market and they need to communicate to people in Russia.

[00:16:11] Dane: [00:16:11] That’s the customer. Let’s go to pain. What’s the pain of the agency or the company that wants to come into Russia?

[00:16:16] Guest: [00:16:16] They now have a real liable resource. They fear that they will may be fooled or not finding someone they can trust.

[00:16:25] Dane: [00:16:25] That’s close. You tell me the pain is that they can’t run their advertisements or promote,

[00:16:32] Guest: [00:16:32] they cannot run their advertisement and promote without speaking the language of their customers.

[00:16:38] Dane: [00:16:38] Yeah. Does that sound like the pain to you?

[00:16:40] Guest: [00:16:40] Yes, absolutely.

[00:16:42] Dane: [00:16:42] So they cannot run their advertisements and cannot sell their products. So trying to say that

[00:16:48] Guest: [00:16:48] they cannot sell or advertise their product,

[00:16:52] Dane: [00:16:52] that’s really painful. So what’s the solution.

[00:16:55] Guest: [00:16:55] The solution is to record the project for them.

[00:17:00] Dane: [00:17:00] That’s more of the mechanism, like that’s more of the details.

[00:17:03] What’s the solution? A reliable voiceover is on something, something like this.

[00:17:06] Guest: [00:17:06] Yes, absolutely. Reliable voice. Sober. Who understands the market. And fields and nuances of the intricacies of the language and able to adjust the lingo from simple translation to like really localization adaptation to the specific markets

[00:17:27] Dane: [00:17:27] as one heck of a solution.

[00:17:30] and what’s the offer? How much does it cost?

[00:17:32] Guest: [00:17:32] It’s tricky. It’s a project based and it’s not only the, the cool part about the voiceover business and they’re not paying you for the service. They paying your royalties, they paying you buy outs and these could be ridicular amounts of money for the amount of time you spend on the project.

[00:17:52] Just to give you an idea. 32nd voiceover commercial that I worked for last year, and it probably spent less than an hour [00:18:00] recording. It probably got me to K right away with a full buyout, so that’s a pretty cool

[00:18:08] Dane: [00:18:08] gig. Yeah. So the offer is a payment up front. Potential royalty. Okay, good. So we’ve got customer pain solution and offer.

[00:18:16] So you got a customer who’s in pain, needs a place to live in Chicago. So you got a solution, you got a home in the offers, rent, you had the voiceover, they got the customer, you know, they’re an agency. They’re paying, they can’t run their advertisements. And the solution is, uh, an effective and well-matched voiceover that matches the language and nuance of the country.

[00:18:32] And the offer is a, or some form of royalty or payment up front. So this is customer pain solution offer. This is how I want you to start seeing income streams. The other thing I want to make sure you understand, and that is basically the fundamental essence of business is customer that wants a result.

[00:18:52] So we use a mechanism. Go ahead and just repeat that out loud to me, just so I make sure I’ve said it right.

[00:18:58] Guest: [00:18:58] Resolved on paying for the mechanism. Good.

[00:19:01] Dane: [00:19:01] Any questions about that?

[00:19:03] Guest: [00:19:03] I’m wondering why you replaced solution with mechanism in this last exercise?

[00:19:09] Dane: [00:19:09] Because the results would be the solution.

[00:19:12] Customer wants a result or customer wants a solution, so we use a mechanism. If you wanted to take see customer pain solution offer, you could do customer pain solution mechanism offer. You could add mechanism in there. It’s not a bad idea. Yeah. So you see how they are linked. . Good. So tell me the fundamental essence again, the three things.

[00:19:33] Guest: [00:19:33] The ones who are results and paying, put the mechanism.

[00:19:37] Dane: [00:19:37] Yes. I asked somebody else on another episode and I said, you know, how many business owners out of a hundred do you think get this concept? Very few. Most businesses are thinking about their mechanisms, voiceover, UX, massage therapy, Reiki, healing mechanism, mechanism, mechanism, mechanism.

[00:19:56] So when you go into customer wants a result, so we pay for and use a [00:20:00] mechanism. For years, people have asked me about a book, something simple that they could read that was completely comprehensive, that would help them learn how to start a business when they have no ideas, no money, no experience, no real expertise.

[00:20:18] When they’re insecure, when they don’t have confidence. How do you start from zero? How do you start a business when you don’t even believe that you could actually help someone in the first place? It’s all documented. Now a path. It’s a book. It’s called start from zero, and you can preorder it right now.

[00:20:35] Go to start from zero.com and click on preorder. So you’re first in line to read this remarkable book. There are over 15 different examples of employees, many who became millionaires in four years time. It’s absolutely possible, and you can do it when you get the right training. Go get that book right now.

[00:20:53] Start from zero.com and click on preorder. Let’s get back to the episode.

[00:21:02] That’s basically it. If you can map those two onto your brain, so let’s actually look at the person that he pays you 40 bucks an hour. Let’s look at them as a customer. What result do they want.

[00:21:15] Guest: [00:21:15] So they want me to run projects independently, smoothly manage clients fully.

[00:21:24] Dane: [00:21:24] Yeah. So if you do that, then what did they get?

[00:21:27] Guest: [00:21:27] They get freedom to do their job are other things. I’m not worried about what’s going on with the spirit tickler customers. So

[00:21:38] Dane: [00:21:38] great. So the result is they want the freedom to work on their own jobs without worrying about the customer.

[00:21:44] Guest: [00:21:44] Absolutely

[00:21:45] Dane: [00:21:45] right. So they don’t really want you to manage teams and this isn’t that so much as they just really want the job done so that they have freedom.

[00:21:53] Guest: [00:21:53] Yes. While I’m managing team and vendors to deliver what the client [00:22:00] needs.

[00:22:00] Dane: [00:22:00] So the result they want is they want the client to get the end result that they paid for. . So you said you’re doing like project management and then UX user experience, right? What result does that give the client when you do that?

[00:22:14] Guest: [00:22:14] So for the client, I give the solution for their web presence, how to dramatically, drastically improve their. User experience on the website and try of them robbing you on their

[00:22:30] Dane: [00:22:30] web. So you’re the mechanism that they are hiring for result. Do you see that? Yes. So do the customer wants a result? So they hire me as a mechanism trying to fill that out.

[00:22:41] Guest: [00:22:41] Customers, absolutes of won the result. And they hire me as a mechanism.

[00:22:46] Dane: [00:22:46] And what result does that customer want that hires you,

[00:22:49] Guest: [00:22:49] let’s say 25% conversion, increase rate or engagement, customer

[00:22:54] Dane: [00:22:54] engagement. So now that you have this and you think of them as a customer and you think of the result they want, and you think of yourself as the mechanism.

[00:23:03] What I consider in terms of business people and business folks in business ownership is we figure out the result we want, and then we hire out the mechanisms. So if you really want to activate abundance, you either find something that you’re highly paid at or also just find people who want results in higher out mechanisms.

[00:23:21] Tell me what you’re thinking about.

[00:23:23] Guest: [00:23:23] And the pills, right?

[00:23:24] Dane: [00:23:24] So now if you were to actually go back to this person that’s paying you $40 and your email was to say, Hey, listen, so I know that you’ve hired me to deliver you a result, and I know the result is at least a 25% increase in conversion. Well, based on the 25% increase in conversion, that would increase revenue by 25%.

[00:23:45] And just sitting here thinking, there’s no way that I should be getting paid $40 an hour to be delivering such a remarkable result. I think based on the value I’m providing, it should be at least 80 and that’s got a little bit of that personal emotion stuff in it, but there would need [00:24:00] some refining, but that now that you know the result that the person is going after, you can actually use that in your compensation.

[00:24:07] So now let’s talk about with the voiceover stuff. What would you need to do to get a steady stream of those clients. Like a $2,000 payment every week.

[00:24:17] Guest: [00:24:17] Million dollar question.

[00:24:19] Dane: [00:24:19] How did they come in? Now

[00:24:20] Guest: [00:24:20] I’ve been working with them for years. They found me online through my website. That brings me all of my customers.

[00:24:29] Dane: [00:24:29] They found you online through your website that brings you all of your customers? Yes,

[00:24:34] Guest: [00:24:34] and I also registered myself in several agencies, websites, and I have Collines calming the road, the registering through their databases, actually submitting myself to them

[00:24:47] Dane: [00:24:47] when they find your website or they like just Google searching Russians voiceover.

[00:24:52] Exactly. Okay. So if I’m going to Google and I type in Russian voiceover, what’s your URL?

[00:24:59] Guest: [00:24:59] Rational voiceover services that come.

[00:25:02] Dane: [00:25:02] Oh, you’re a number one. How’d you do that?

[00:25:05] Guest: [00:25:05] Search engine optimization

[00:25:11] Dane: [00:25:11] and

[00:25:12] Guest: [00:25:12] my friend, we worked sort of sometimes to get there is number two. So we compete this year. I dominate. Yeah.

[00:25:22] Dane: [00:25:22] So how many deals like this do you get a month?

[00:25:25] Guest: [00:25:25] This is a rare thing. I kind of have more normal, regular voiceovers that not necessarily includes royalties. It just a service base. So the pay is low worth of, so pretty cool.

[00:25:39] Dane: [00:25:39] So how many deals would you get a year from this Russian voiceover services.com

[00:25:44] Guest: [00:25:44] I would say I have 20 to 30 projects a year.

[00:25:49] Dane: [00:25:49] There’s a chance this could double if not triple the business that you get from your site, but if you could add above the fold on your website, it’s rush and voiceover services.com [00:26:00] for those listening.

[00:26:01] So right now you only have a contact us button and what I think would be really useful. Okay. So two things. If you could have some sort of free report that is like, here’s the seven questions that you should ask any voiceover talent before you ever hire them. And so like they come to this site and it says, wait, before you ever hire any voiceover talent, no matter who they are, make sure you ask these seven questions.

[00:26:30] You know, do you know the local inflections? Do you like whatever the seven questions are. And they enter their email and they become a lead. Now, the 20 or 30 projects that you get a year should probably turn into 200 leads a year and potentially 60 projects. Here. Let’s say you get 20 projects a year.

[00:26:47] Let’s say you have a 5% conversion rate on your website. So that means five people out of every hundred buy from you. If you have 20 per year, that means you get 400 unique visitors a year and 20 sales. Well, if you had this seven questions report, you’d probably get like 20% conversion rate on that P 20% if you’re getting a 5% conversion rate to sale, you’re probably going to get 20%.

[00:27:11] Are going to be giving you an email address. So now you’re going to be getting 80 emails and now there’s 80 emails you stay in touch with on a regular basis. And they’re probably going to keep coming back to, for voiceover stuff. You know, you’ll say if you have ever have any other voiceover knees, I can recommend other top voiceover talent and you can start recommending people at their places.

[00:27:32] And you know, cause if someone’s looking for Russian voiceover talent, they’d probably do voiceover a lot of other things. So first thing I’d add on this site. So you’ve got a video and then you’ve got the logos, Facebook, Google, dish, Huyandai’s, Sony. Underneath that you say, here are the seven questions.

[00:27:50] Wait, caution, before you hire or your voice over talent, make sure you ask these seven questions. Then. I want you to change the contact us page [00:28:00] to like see if we’re a fit, so contact us. We’ll become, see if we’re a fit. When they click that, you can take them to like a Google form that’s like a one or two or three page application that says, you know how long they’ve been in business, what they need help with.

[00:28:16] And like you basically assess their business needs. So by the time it gets submitted, you know exactly what they need. That saves you a ton of time and it’s also they apply to work with you because right now, so if you had a contact us, it says, please let tell us how we can help you sound better. Name, email, address, subject message.

[00:28:31] You know, people fill that out. But if you said, you know, see if we’re a fit, then it establishes authority, establishes credibility, it establishes expertise.

[00:28:40] Guest: [00:28:40] Why do you feel like I need to take them to another Google forum? Why can’t I just have it right there?

[00:28:47] Dane: [00:28:47] Oh, you could. It would just be faster and easier to make it as

[00:28:51] Guest: [00:28:51] I just can add fields here and feel less clicks, better usability.

[00:28:55] Well,

[00:28:56] Dane: [00:28:56] I mean, you tell me from usability perspective, if it says, see if we’re a fit or like apply to work with us kind of thing, and they click on that. There’s only like two fields on the first page. Then they fill out those two fields and they hit next and they tell you a little more. Then they hit next.

[00:29:10] Then you ask them for the contact information. I thought that would increase conversion rates.

[00:29:15] Guest: [00:29:15] Yeah. You can just give me a really good idea about the fields. Yes. I do want to expend the and ask specific questions about their project because they communicate about their project and the subject line. But if I would specifically direct them to the subject and ask them what their goal, yeah, that would put me in a different category of voiceover experts out there.

[00:29:35] Dane: [00:29:35] You know? What else would be super dope? Like for everyone listening, I’m gonna zoom out and talk about why we’re doing all this. But if you said, you know, see if we’re a fit, apply now to work with us. You know, say we have limited availability. We may not be able to work with you. And it’s true because you get your consulting, you work four hours a day and you’re surfing, so you have limited availability.

[00:29:54] So it says limited availability. They click on that, and now, you know, they don’t want voiceover [00:30:00] talent. They want more sales. They want to run their advertisements. They’re not looking for Russian voiceover talent. They’re looking to sell to Russia. So you click on, see if we’re a fit and this is, Hey, we have limited availability.

[00:30:12] We want to make sure we could actually really help you. Please tell us. What your dream outcome is. What are you trying to sell more of? What are your goals? And then they say, well, we want to sell a thousand cars in Russia, or we want to do this and this, and then it comes to the next phase of gray. What media are you going to use to do that?

[00:30:28] And they say, we got commercials, or radio or print or whatever, and he’d say, great. Hey, what do you need? But since it’s customer wants a result, so they use a mechanism, you apply that same thinking to your application process. Start with the result that they want. Not voiceover talent. What are they going to do with it?

[00:30:44] So when we come to your site, Russian voiceover services, which is number one with SEO, that’s awesome. Now we want to make it more slippery slide. So we’re going to give you a lot of email address captures. Make sure you ask these seven questions so you can effectively enter a foreign market or whatever with your advertising, and then you’re going to have the application and you’ll probably double or triple the amount of business you get from just doing that alone.

[00:31:08] I think this voiceover space. Deserves quite a bit of attention. Tell me what’s most exciting to you? What’s most overwhelming? What are you thinking about right now?

[00:31:19] Guest: [00:31:19] I’m most exciting the way we phrase the conversation about increased rate adjustments that you suggested for the website. I really. Yeah,

[00:31:30] that’s good.

[00:31:31] We’re going to work today, so listen, if you’d like to offer feedback on this episode, we would treasure that. Let us know what you want more of and what you want less of for the show and we’ll make sure we try to incorporate that. You can email the feedback to hello as start from zero.com just put feedback in the subject line.

[00:31:49] Now, if you’d like to build a $20,000 per month business minimum, I’ve got a friend who actually does this every single month. Some months he makes as much as 87. Thousands thousand dollars in a [00:32:00] month. I asked him about, and he told me, man, if I can do this, anybody can do it. So we’ve turned this into a fully comprehensive course that you can take to learn how to quickly build a $20,000 from a business.

[00:32:10] If you’d like information on that, you can go to start from zero.com and on the home page, you’ll find a link to it. Now, if you’ve been struggling to take action, if you really feel there’s more for your life, but you know you’re gonna need to take action to do it, but taking action is so difficult. You just can’t seem to get yourself to do it.

[00:32:27] We have a wonder. Full free tool. You can find [email protected] forward slash DJP and if you go there within 20 minutes of applying the process, you’ll find yourself wanting to play the game, wanting to step in the game and wanting to take action. I use DJP for myself all the time with things like figuring out revenue models, figuring out lead capture systems, figuring out how to hire someone.

[00:32:50] If I’m ever stuck with a difficult action, I’ll actually apply DJP because what it does is it wakes up a deeper intuition, a deeper wisdom. So we can actually do something really cool instead of stay stuck. So that’s it. Please rate the show. Please subscribe and go on and listen to the next episode.

[00:33:07] Let’s do this.

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