SFZ 016: Can John Make Money With His Idea?

Show Summary
See if John can make money with his little league idea.
Show Notes
See how to apply Start From Zero thinking towards a brand new idea.

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Episode Transcript

[00:01:12] I said, say I’m talking to John. John, where are you in the world?

[00:01:16] John: [00:01:16] I’m in Knoxville, Tennessee.

[00:01:18] Dane: [00:01:18] So what’s your big goal for this call and or kind of big goal financially. So

[00:01:23] John: [00:01:23] my wife and I have this business, or we’re trying to launch this business out to the world. And I think our big goal is to monetize it, really to be able to draw some income off of that so that we can do some other things in life that were interested in.

[00:01:37] Yeah. So learning how to get this thing rolling and to keep it running and doing well.

[00:01:42] Dane: [00:01:42] What are you doing for money right now?

[00:01:44] John: [00:01:44] So I have a full time job and uh, do some like side consulting. And this is like, so my wife and I are very entrepreneurial minded and we had this pain point that we experienced and we thought, you know what?

[00:01:56] We should come up with a solution for this. And so that’s [00:02:00] what I’m most interested in talking to you about is how do we take this idea and actually make it something that people want to come to flock too.

[00:02:09] Dane: [00:02:09] So what’s your dream for this call in general? Again, kind of real specific if you can.

[00:02:13] John: [00:02:13] I guess my big dream would be some actionable steps that I can take.

[00:02:17] Two, accomplish goals of making this site a revenue generating site. Is that specific enough?

[00:02:24] Dane: [00:02:24] What were the action steps enable you to have you’re after something?

[00:02:28] John: [00:02:28] Yeah. I think really, it’d be great if this could be some income for my wife to make. So I don’t really have a dollar amount in mind, but maybe just enough to where she could focus on that full time would be excellent.

[00:02:43] Dane: [00:02:43] Is there a reason this is vague?

[00:02:45] John: [00:02:45] No, I don’t think so. If I can clarify a little better, let me think through it.

[00:02:49] Dane: [00:02:49] I’ll tell you, most folks that don’t have what they want don’t know how to say what they want. Gotcha. And if you’re not having what you want yet in this area, I think it makes sense that it would be challenging to even speak about it clearly.

[00:03:02] And so like a lot of the times what we want to do is we want to kind of recondition the mind so that it’s like just speaks real simple. 25 grand a month is the number that gets me and my wife out of my job. And together more often.

[00:03:14] John: [00:03:14] Yeah, that’s

[00:03:15] Dane: [00:03:15] what you’re saying. Yeah. Let’s take a step in that specific direction.

[00:03:18] John: [00:03:18] So I’d say, you know, if we could make 30 grand off this thing, so that would be a good goal for us.

[00:03:24] Dane: [00:03:24] What role has fear played in. and

[00:03:28] John: [00:03:28] all this. Yeah. That’s really interesting. You asked that question. I have a little

[00:03:31] Dane: [00:03:31] bit of fear about,

[00:03:33] John: [00:03:33] you know, we don’t make a ton of money on my salary and we’ve got three kids, and so there is this fear of like taking a big leap.

[00:03:42] Then I’ll have it go, well. Could really hurt. And a lot of ways, you know, I’ve always liked, told myself I’m more of a courageous risk taking kind of person. But if you’re, there is probably an undercurrent of fear here about, you know, kind of stepping into the unknown and having these like. I [00:04:00] call them blind spots, like stuff that I don’t really know how to do well.

[00:04:04] And I think a, like a lot of people I like to have control or at least know what I’m doing when I do something. So launching a new business, especially what we have as a website, it’s a challenge cause I’m not a very like web savvy tech savvy person. I’m trying to, you know, get there. But there’s a huge learning curve for me and my wife as well.

[00:04:24] Dane: [00:04:24] So what I’m sensing is you’ve got the heart for entrepreneurship, but you have a conditioned employee’s mind. No, I think that’s fair. So the mind that you currently have and the way that you currently think. You’re going to even possibly have to betray in some ways. Like I’ve got a friend of mine and I gave him this task to do and he like started doing, it’s like, this feels terrible.

[00:04:44] I gotta stop. I was like, no, you can’t trust your feelings, man. Not those ones. Because if you could have trusted those, you would have been where you want it to be. Already there are the real true feelings, like you know the feelings you have for your wife. We’re very certain trust that like a sonar. Then there are other conditioned feelings that we usually guide our life by that are big old liars.

[00:05:06] So here’s how we need to recondition your mind. The high level is we need to give you the proper fundamental structure for how business works and a very simple way, and we need to get you out of being a technician and into an entrepreneur. Like if you wanted to only master two skills, like two skills, and you could get away with only having these two skills and you could build a billion dollar company with them, but you only have these two skills.

[00:05:29] Those two skills are sales and outsourcing. Most of the people that come to me. Our technicians experts is something that have no sales and no outsourcing skills. That’s probably

[00:05:40] John: [00:05:40] me.

[00:05:41] Dane: [00:05:41] Yeah. You just feel pretty inadequate when it comes to understanding how technology works and how it implements how they’ll tech stuff works.

[00:05:47] Right, right. Well, some of the biggest visionaries in the world don’t know that, but they could be billionaires, but they’re able to do that because they’re clear about what they want. I want this thing to do this now. I’m going to hire someone to figure it out. [00:06:00] Hmm. And so I want you to start standing for what you want.

[00:06:04] So when you say, if we could make 30,000 that would be great. we want your mind, cause you know, the energy of the world is very commensurate with what you truly, truly desire. So it’s very fascinating. As you get more practice at this, the world will literally respond to you sometimes in rapid time for what it is that you want.

[00:06:28] The creation energy like wants you to stand like a spiritual warrior with a single pointed focus. And it will keep giving you distractions. Like imagine you’re sitting in like a storm and you have the single point of warrior like focus. And that is to liberate my potential to provide for my family. So we do not have to be employees.

[00:06:49] That’s beautiful. So you’ve got the conditioned employee’s mind, and you know what the condition employee’s mind does is they look for answers.

[00:06:58] John: [00:06:58] Hmm.

[00:06:58] Dane: [00:06:58] And it’s actually a very excellent skill. For an entrepreneur to hire. Have you seen inside Bill’s brain on Netflix by chance?

[00:07:06] John: [00:07:06] No, I haven’t.

[00:07:07] Dane: [00:07:07] So they like did an amazing three-part documentary on bill Gates.

[00:07:10] The dude carries around 15 books with him everywhere he goes. He reads 15 books at a time.

[00:07:16] John: [00:07:16] Oh my gosh.

[00:07:17] Dane: [00:07:17] He’s in his library most evenings. And if you think about how much are you reading, how many books do you read a year?

[00:07:22] John: [00:07:22] It used to be a lot more, but maybe like two or three now.

[00:07:25] Dane: [00:07:25] Okay, so reading is how you recondition the mind and taking action is how you going to turn the mind.

[00:07:30] But reading helps a lot.

[00:07:31] John: [00:07:31] So

[00:07:32] Dane: [00:07:32] bill Gates, he says, I want to help this waste problem in Africa because people are pooping. It’s going into streams. It’s contaminating the water. People are dying. So he wants to create a toilet that creates energy with the poop. Well. Yeah, that’s what he’s dedicating his time to, you know?

[00:07:51] And then we have people like all being Richard’s bad and like, okay, well tell that to bill Gates. Right? So bill sits there and walks around a room with [00:08:00] whiteboards and just sits there and asks questions. How do we make a toilet that turns waste into energy? The dude’s clear. And then he finds experts to help him get those answers.

[00:08:10] What’s your brain doing right now?

[00:08:11] John: [00:08:11] I’m just focusing on that word, clarity. Like how can I get more clarity?

[00:08:15] Dane: [00:08:15] Clarity is vulnerable. I asked myself, what’s my difficulty with being simple because I like to make things complex. So I’m with my life coach and I’m saying, you know what keeps me from keeping things simple?

[00:08:25] And for me, I was vulnerability. It’s very vulnerable to keep things simple. Hmm. And so I’m learning to speak of more simplicity. Let’s go to a specific and clear goal. So what is your big financial outcome.

[00:08:39] John: [00:08:39] I would say if we could pull in $100,000 a year, that would be amazing. Like absolutely amazing.

[00:08:44] Dane: [00:08:44] Do you know what it has you say if we could versus this is what I want?

[00:08:49] John: [00:08:49] Yeah. I can see that difference. Now that you’ve pointed

[00:08:51] Dane: [00:08:51] out, it’s okay to believe in yourself. I struggle to believe in myself. I sure do. I think

[00:08:57] John: [00:08:57] one of the challenges for me with this is like I’ve never really had a number in mind. Like I’ve always just kind of wanted, there’s things I want to accomplish and do that.

[00:09:06] I don’t know like how much money they would take to do, but I’ve always thought in terms of like, wow, this would be great if I could start this.

[00:09:14] Dane: [00:09:14] It’s still the same issue because you’ve got things that you want to do. They hear it not even clear what they cost. Yeah. The brain can be our own worst enemy.

[00:09:22] So to decondition your mind, you got to learn sales and you got gotta learn outsourcing, and you got to learn clarity. Clarity is done just by kind of like doing it.

[00:09:30] John: [00:09:30] Uh

[00:09:30] Dane: [00:09:30] huh. One of my other calls that was with a gal and she said, I just want to help change lives every day. And I said, you know, I can tell that you’re unsuccessful just based on how vague that is.

[00:09:40] Hmm. Yeah. And success is not who we are. Success is not even what we do. It’s such a fascinating concept. Like if you could break success away from what you do and who you are, then you’re just someone who cares about serving the world. You know, when your worth is not on the table anymore than your brain is so relaxed and you’re just obsessed with helping people.

[00:10:00] [00:10:00] If you’d like to get a free one on one with me and beyond the show, you can find out details@startfromzero.com forward slash podcast. Business is not personal. Life is not personal. We make it personal like an idea in business works or it doesn’t period. And it’s not personal. Like if I want to sell like a video editor, background music for their videos and I contact them and I say, Hey man, how painful is the issue of background music for videos?

[00:10:27] And he says, dude, it’s really painful, man. My clients asked me for this stuff all the time, and it’s hard to find the right audio tracks to match video, and it’s just hard to match the mood, and this is a really painful issue for me. I would love help with this. Does that mean anything about me as a person?

[00:10:41] No, I didn’t choose that guy’s pain. He had it. It worked, or it didn’t. And the businesses that make the most sense, short term, longterm, that do really well solve pain. Like the more severe pain, the better. Think about like insulin to a diabetic. Think about a hearing aid for someone over 80 they can’t hear.

[00:11:00] It sucks. Think about like if you have acne on your face and how embarrassed you are, that’s real paint. Think about someone working nine to five every day with the heart of an entrepreneur, but they’re stuck as an employee. Every day they wake up and live a lie and they get used to the lie and then comfort themselves that it’s okay for them to be living a lie and then they live a lie and then it starts getting reflected in their language and they start becoming uncertain here and uncertain there.

[00:11:23] And they don’t speak about clarity anywhere because at the root level, they aren’t honoring themselves and you are not alone. I’d say 80% of humanity might be doing this, not really honoring what they really want. well, it’s this idea you have.

[00:11:37] John: [00:11:37] So we experienced this pain ourselves as parents trying to find youth sports programs for our kids that were not super expensive, kind of conveniently located or house and where we live.

[00:11:51] It’s kind of hard to do that. You either have to, you know, kinda hear about something or you see. The yard sign on the side of the road, or you just kind of Google around, but there’s no like [00:12:00] one place to go and find all the options. And so my wife and I had this

[00:12:04] Dane: [00:12:04] idea to create

[00:12:05] John: [00:12:05] a directory really for local use sports so that parents can go look at what’s available to them in their area, get an idea of like price point and that sort of thing.

[00:12:15] Dane: [00:12:15] So check this out. Okay, here’s what you say. I have a website that has an affordable directory of youth sports programs in local areas. Does that capture it? Yeah. It’s like a Craig’s list for youth sports.

[00:12:30] John: [00:12:30] Yeah.

[00:12:31] Dane: [00:12:31] See how I did that in like 10 seconds. Yeah, that’s great. And it took you about a minute and a half, which is okay.

[00:12:39] I mean, cause you were telling me that, you know, my wife and I have his problem and et cetera, et cetera. But this is what like a mind that’s conditioned to think like an employee. It’s like learning entrepreneurship. It’s like, well yeah, we’ll just. Solve our own problem. We’ll stay at our tiny bubble of the world and we’ll do things based on all our own direct experiences, and then we’ll go out and we’ll do this like that’s a lot of people start businesses that way.

[00:13:00] Some businesses get really big that way. Some don’t with a problem with it. Let’s say your mind had been conditioned, like trained to be like full on entrepreneur. What might your approach had been for this.

[00:13:12] John: [00:13:12] Probably going door to door to programs and telling them about the directory, showing it to them, and then getting their buy in and then pushing it out to customers.

[00:13:22] Parents.

[00:13:24] Dane: [00:13:24] That’s pretty good. What did you do instead?

[00:13:26] John: [00:13:26] We built a site and we

[00:13:28] Dane: [00:13:28] contacted, I mean, I did that too, until I got so frustrated that I stopped doing that, but I had to learn the hard way. So here’s the fundamentals of business. Customer mechanism result. That’s it. So parents want a result of getting their kids in.

[00:13:44] Youth programs, mechanism, website, directory. The entrepreneur’s brain focuses on the customer and the result.

[00:13:54] John: [00:13:54] It’s beautiful, man.

[00:13:55] Dane: [00:13:55] What do you like about it?

[00:13:56] John: [00:13:56] That’s clear.

[00:13:57] Dane: [00:13:57] Yeah. The applications are endless. [00:14:00] It’s such a simple concept, but it can be brought down to such great nuance. Like, I mean, if you have this, you can make your website from it.

[00:14:06] Cause your website’s like so you wantX , Y, Z result. You’re in the right place. Like the marketing, everything is informed from these same three things.

[00:14:13] John: [00:14:13] Yeah. And it totally diminishes that first thing that we talked about, about the feeling inadequate. Because you know, I don’t even know what the tool needs to be.

[00:14:22] The mechanism needs to be.

[00:14:24] Dane: [00:14:24] How’d you make that shift?

[00:14:25] John: [00:14:25] Well, I felt like it kind of takes the pressure off creating this, you know, bells and whistles mechanism that may or may not be what’s actually

[00:14:33] Dane: [00:14:33] needed out there. Oh dude, you’re picking it up real fast. So I’m happy you’re picking this up. It’s also really intuitive.

[00:14:40] Oh, right, what the hell am I doing? Focused on these mechanisms. So now you’ve got fundamental business. And by the way, being an entrepreneur is like 95% fun. Being an employee is like probably 15% like as an entrepreneur, you get to sit. And talk to customers and figure out all these Epic results and need is give them to experts to make for you, and then you end up owning the business.

[00:15:02] John: [00:15:02] Yeah, that sounds awesome.

[00:15:03] Dane: [00:15:03] You know, I’ll do things like all want a result. Let’s say I want to have like good YouTube marketing. I’ll find a YouTube marketing course. I’ll buy it and then I’ll get someone to take it and implement it for me. The smart, but I mean like if you’re in a room full of a hundred entrepreneurs, I would maybe respect five of those hundred people for their knowledge anyway.

[00:15:21] I definitely respect every human as a human. What I’m saying in terms of like what their acclimation is, because the other 95 are either technicians have faulty belief systems that they’re holding onto. They believe things about business that debilitate themselves, but they just happen to be an entrepreneur, right?

[00:15:37] It’s like my first business mentor and I drive four hours to see this guy and we sit in his manufacturing company and I’d ask him like, so what’s your revenue? And he’d say, do you want revenue per part revenue per employee? Revenue per project, revenue per labor hour. Which one do you want? Do you think he was successful?

[00:15:54] Yeah. Why?

[00:15:56] John: [00:15:56] I felt like if you can break it down like that, he knows his business really well.

[00:16:00] [00:15:59] Dane: [00:15:59] Yes. And guess how many entrepreneurs can do that out of a hundred maybe five. Then you have guys like Bruce, my first mentor who has the respect of every one of his employees, flips his computer screen over to me at 10:00 AM and points at a numbers like, here’s how much money we’ve made today.

[00:16:16] And it was like, I can’t remember, like somewhere between 40 and 60 grand by 10:00 AM and he said, that’s a pretty good thing because it costs me 50 grand every day. Opened the doors, but it was only 10:00 AM you know. So the first four hours of the Workday’s making like 10 grand an hour.

[00:16:30] John: [00:16:30] Yeah. I love that metaphor you used early in the call about the warrior.

[00:16:34] Dane: [00:16:34] Oh, good. What do you like about that?

[00:16:35] John: [00:16:35] In the storm. I don’t know. I just liked that image of that out there taking it, but still like standing strong.

[00:16:43] Dane: [00:16:43] Yes. Focused on what they want. Yeah. So all this stuff will come to you and you say, is that what I want? No, thank you. But the person who is not clear about what they want.

[00:16:54] They’ll just take what? Oh, yeah. Okay, sure. Yeah. Oh yeah. That’s good. Okay. Nope. Cause like they say, you’ll be tested. Oh, you’ll be tested, you’ll be tested. But when you’re clear about what you’re wanting, it’s not even really a test. It’s like very little thought generally, you know, saying no is, that’s a whole nother thing.

[00:17:09] Like there’s problems to being successful that are very unique to success, you know? And one of them is discerning what aligns to your vision and saying no to it. Hmm. Right. That can be a very big challenge for me for lots of people. You know, like you in the Larry Page, when he took over Google, the story goes, he apparently called up Steve jobs and Steve was still alive and he’s like, dude, I just took over Google.

[00:17:30] I’m terrified. What am I going to do? And Steve’s like, Oh. Just focus on five things and no more. Don’t spread your business beyond five things. So the guy’s like, okay. And he went and he started cutting all these extra Google projects at the time and focused on five.

[00:17:43] John: [00:17:43] Yeah. That’s cool.

[00:17:44] Dane: [00:17:44] So as an entrepreneur, your two biggest skills are sales and outsourcing.

[00:17:49] There’s many more skills like to always be reducing risk. One of the foundational things that entrepreneurs do is they just consistently look to reduce their risk. Hmm. I don’t consider [00:18:00] myself a risk taker. I just consider myself way too informed to be a w two employee. Who deserves to be an entrepreneur and who doesn’t deserve to be an entrepreneur and like who’s made for entrepreneurship.

[00:18:12] It’s really more about like if I was just still to one thing, it’s like, do you have a desire to be your own boss? Do you have a desire to create your own thing? If it’s a yes, then you’re good. If you have those two desires and they’re really there, then I think that’s what you want to grow. But you don’t really have a desire to be your own boss.

[00:18:28] And if you don’t really have a desire to grow your own thing, then it’s Luke warm. And so like my sister, she has no desire to do that, you know? So she’s a very excellent physician’s assistant. So, and she loves that, and that’s an employee and she’s very happy. She’s very aligned with their vision. So I’m not trying to demean employees, and I think sometimes I am, it’s a bad habit of mine.

[00:18:48] What I just want to say is that with what I know about myself and what I know about income and how it all works, is it seems like financial suicide for me to be an employee. Yeah. If you’re not happy, figure it out and address it. Has nothing to do with entrepreneur, nothing to do with employee, nothing to do with boy, girl, man.

[00:19:08] Woman is really about, if you’re not happy, do something about it. Yeah. And that would you say you’re happy being an employee?

[00:19:16] John: [00:19:16] No.

[00:19:16] Dane: [00:19:16] And I think that’s as simple as we need to go. So when I talked about entrepreneur, like just really be looking to reduce risk. So we identify the greatest single point of failure and look at it directly.

[00:19:26] What’s the single biggest, greatest point of failure that would cause the business to fail?

[00:19:30] John: [00:19:30] Yeah. Not having people actually like use it.

[00:19:32] Dane: [00:19:32] Exactly. So we’re reducing risks, sales, outsourcing, reducing risks. You know, you ideally want to know a business is going to work before you ever start it.

[00:19:39] John: [00:19:39] Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

[00:19:41] Dane: [00:19:41] Right? Yeah. And then what would you say to the parents,

[00:19:44] John: [00:19:44] man, I would start by just finding out more about the pain points. Like is this a common pain point that everybody experiences? What challenges are you facing?

[00:19:54] Dane: [00:19:54] And do you even care about youth programs? For [00:20:00] years, people have asked me about a book, something simple that they could read that was completely comprehensive, that would help them learn how to start a business when they have no ideas, no money, no experience, no real expertise.

[00:20:15] When they’re insecure, when they don’t have confidence. How do you start from zero? How do you start a business when you don’t even believe that you could actually help someone in the first place? It’s all documented. There’s now a path. It’s a book. It’s called start from zero and you can preorder it right now.

[00:20:32] Going to start from zero.com and click on preorder, so you’re first in line to read this remarkable book. There are over 15 different examples of employees, many who became millionaires in four years time. It’s absolutely possible, and you can do it when you get the right training. Go get that book right now.

[00:20:50] Start from zero.com and click on preorder. Let’s get back to the episode.

[00:20:59] John: [00:20:59] Yeah. I guess that’s another,

[00:21:01] Dane: [00:21:01] maybe you talk to parents and there’s a five question framework that’s like a gold mine for product ideas. It’s what’s your most present problem? How do you solve it? What happens if you don’t fix it? What was your dream solution be to that problem? Would that be worth paying for?

[00:21:16] If so, how much? She sit there with a parent and you’re like, Hey, parent, what’s been your most present problem with raising your children? Or what’s been your most present problem with your children and youth athletic programs? And they may say, well, you know, trying to be able to afford all the equipment.

[00:21:30] And then you say, well, how do you solve that problem now? What are you, how do you do it now? They tell you, they tell you a whole story about it. They say, what happens if you don’t get to solve this problem? They’re like, well, it’s just sucks cause X, Y, Zed. And you say, so what would your dream solution be?

[00:21:41] And then they’re like, Oh, well we want this. And then you say, well, would it be worth paying for? If so, how much? And now you’ve got your customer, you’ve got your result, you can worry about mechanism later.

[00:21:49] John: [00:21:49] That’s great man.

[00:21:50] Dane: [00:21:50] That’s really cool. So like what are the numbers for the site now? Like how’s it going?

[00:21:54] John: [00:21:54] Oh man, I don’t even know. Not great.

[00:21:56] Dane: [00:21:56] Okay. Not great. Okay.

[00:21:57] John: [00:21:57] It feels like maybe taking a few steps [00:22:00] backwards would be the way to go now.

[00:22:02] Dane: [00:22:02] Yes. It’s like one of those nice to have ideas where you’re like, Oh, if you knew it exists, it’s great, but it’s not painful enough. Or you try and go look for it. I don’t know about parents with youth programs.

[00:22:11] You’ll find out if you talk to them. Right? Yeah. You know, I’ve got a guy who contacted me and he wants me to help him build software products for hedge funds. Do you think I might make money than that?

[00:22:21] John: [00:22:21] Yeah, absolutely.

[00:22:22] Dane: [00:22:22] Because the customer has a lot of money now. It’s very useful for a hedge fund. You know, a hedge fund, they have like 50 million to invest and they have to figure out where to put it.

[00:22:32] So one of the things they do is they talk to X employees who’ve worked at like Slack, and they talk to them about what’s going on at Slack, how is it slacked, dah, dah, dah. And they find out the solidity of the company from an inside X employee. And then sometimes that’ll give them enough confidence to invest 50 to a hundred million.

[00:22:49] Wow. They call them expert interviews. Hedge fund expert interviews is the niche. That sounds really cool. Yeah. And so the customer has a tremendous amount of money, but when you’re going into your world where you’re looking for affordable youth sports programs, you’re already targeting somewhat stingy people.

[00:23:08] John: [00:23:08] Yeah. Well, it’s for you sports in general, not just those that are removed by any

[00:23:13] Dane: [00:23:13] listing. Oh, good. So it’s youth sports programs in your local area.

[00:23:18] John: [00:23:18] Yeah, yeah.

[00:23:19] Dane: [00:23:19] Yeah. That has some legs to it, you know?

[00:23:21] John: [00:23:21] Yeah.

[00:23:22] Dane: [00:23:22] And that’s not personal, right? So, you know, you say, thanks, so I’ve got a good idea. It’s like, Hey, like listen, it works or it doesn’t.

[00:23:28] Right. You know, I’d go to Google and I type in use force programs. I see what I kind of see, look around a little bit, but it’s probably a fun idea to learn on, but I wouldn’t stake your financial future on it. What I like to do with businesses is I like kind of like try to get them out and feel them out, and then if there’s a big response, I give it attention.

[00:23:45] If there’s not a big response, I. Don’t give it attention.

[00:23:48] John: [00:23:48] How long? Like what’s the threshold for that?

[00:23:50] Dane: [00:23:50] Well, I mean, you talked to a parent and they’re like, Oh my, yes, please tell me when you’ve got that. And then like the next day they’re like, Hey, do you have that? Then you’ve got a winner, which are very hard to find.

[00:24:00] [00:23:59] Hmm. But if you’re like, Hey, you know, you got a website with like youth sports programs on it for your kids. And they’re like, Oh. I really like that. And you’re like, well, so on a scale of one to 10 how much do you like it? Right? You’re like, Oh, you know, like a seven. I was like, what? Would you like it enough to pay for it?

[00:24:13] And they’re like, well, yeah, you might not make as much sense for the parents to pay for it, but in terms of selling as an entrepreneurial, let’s say you go maybe advertise on Facebook and you say, I’m looking for families who want to know the best youth sports programs in XYZ city. If that’s you, comment below or whatever and send me a message on Facebook and you build a Facebook messenger bot list of these people.

[00:24:35] So you build this list of like 150 people that are looking for use force programs in a certain city. Then you go to the use force programs. And you say, Hey, I’ve got 150 parents looking for youth sports programs that you could advertise to, and I charge just $5 per person for 60 days to be in front of them.

[00:24:55] So you’ve got 150 times five is like 780 bucks, see a seminar and 50 bucks per youth sports program. And there’s like 10 youth sports programs, probably soccer or softball. So you had 10 of them, and maybe if you tried to each 750 bucks for 60 days, that price doesn’t work. You figure out. The revenue or the use force program, like, Hey, what’s that?

[00:25:16] What’s your typical revenue to do a season? And they’re like, well, you know, I usually make about like five grand or something. Then seven 50 probably gonna work. Hmm. What are you hearing?

[00:25:24] John: [00:25:24] Yeah, just about how to be flexible in all this really.

[00:25:28] Dane: [00:25:28] So if you’re able to do this, you’ll separate yourself from so many entrepreneurs and you’ll have a tremendous amount more freedom and you’ll be able to start helping other business owners with this as well.

[00:25:37] So what you do as you talk to those youth sports team owner and you now say, what results are you looking for? You know, they say, I want full teams. And you say, have you ever had a full team of players that didn’t really want to play? And they’re like, yeah, I did. And so he said, would you like full teams of kids who actually want to be in the sport?

[00:25:55] I’m like, Oh, that’d be amazing. And you could actually like filter out the parents, connect the [00:26:00] two and charge a fee, and you don’t need a website for that. Just build your list with Facebook. Looking for families that want the best youth sports programs that are the best fit for their kids. I put my information in that as a parent.

[00:26:11] That’s really cool. So your first mission then is to get on Facebook and to run some ads and have pictures of kids playing sports and say, I’m looking for parents who want to find the very best youth sports programs for their children. Send me a message to get the details and you’ll probably build a pretty big list.

[00:26:30] Yeah. So that’s how you might test it. And when you talk to people, you’re kind of like, you’re really looking for that thing where it’s like, well, Hey, are you sorry? Are you going to do that? Or not? Like they tell you, when can I get it? You know? It’s like, have you heard a Zapier.

[00:26:41] John: [00:26:41] No, I haven’t.

[00:26:42] Dane: [00:26:42] Zapier, Zapier is like a data transfer, so like if you have data in one thing, it will automatically transfer it to another thing.

[00:26:49] If you don’t, you have to reenter the data manually. Does that sound painful? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so that product blew up and it wasn’t personal. It just worked. So you as an entrepreneur, John is standing in clarity, standing with the spiritual war with focus. To provide for your family and liberate your own potential.

[00:27:07] You’re going to be working on selling and outsourcing, and you’ve got to do both of those cause you’re clear. You’re going to be working to reduce your risk, and you’re going to build out this idea on youth sports programs, not for your successful identity to feel good, but to serve parents and get their parents and kids and great use sports programs that literally could change their life if they’re in the right one and meet the right coach.

[00:27:29] Which you could even put in the app. You can put a quote. Being in the right youth program with the right coach can completely change the trajectory of your child’s life. Here’s how to find the best youth programs with the best coaches, and now all of a sudden you’re going to the youth programs and you’re like, listen, we have parents that are looking to at these programs, they’ll be like to vet our coaches and stuff before we connect them.

[00:27:48] So we just need to make sure you’re actually good. Now all of a sudden you’re the power position.

[00:27:53] John: [00:27:53] Yeah, that’s great. I love that

[00:27:55] Dane: [00:27:55] this is starting to sound more and more like fire.

[00:27:57] John: [00:27:57] That sounds really cool.

[00:27:58] Dane: [00:27:58] So you [00:28:00] have quite a mission on your hands with a business like this and you don’t need a website.

[00:28:04] Why don’t you need a website? Because people can get the result. Without it. You’re in the business of delivering results. You’re not in the business of making websites. I never have it. How are you feeling.

[00:28:13] John: [00:28:13] Feeling empowered.

[00:28:15] Dane: [00:28:15] Where do you think your biggest crippling spots going to be moving forward?

[00:28:18] John: [00:28:18] Oh man, I don’t even want to think about that right now.

[00:28:20] Dane: [00:28:20] I think you’re going to slip back into complexity a little bit away from clarity, but you might not. What do you think though?

[00:28:26] John: [00:28:26] I could see that. I can see that being a challenge.

[00:28:28] Dane: [00:28:28] Okay, so just in case that happens, here’s what you do say, can I explain this to my kids? Hmm. If you cannot explain it to them, then it’s not clear.

[00:28:35] John: [00:28:35] That’s great. I love that. That’s a great life. Ag.

[00:28:38] Dane: [00:28:38] Okay. What else?

[00:28:39] John: [00:28:39] So maybe that step after connecting with parents, I could see that being a little bit of a challenge, like bridging like what they want, desire.

[00:28:47] Dane: [00:28:47] And then so try this. My highest commitment is to make sure that everyone profits.

[00:28:51] John: [00:28:51] My highest commitment is to make sure everyone profits.

[00:28:55] Dane: [00:28:55] And I’ll need to do a lot of things to figure out what that is

[00:28:57] John: [00:28:57] and I’ll need to do a lot of things to figure out what that is. So to unpack that just a little bit, everyone makes a profit. We’re talking about the parents find success in these programs. Like I find success connecting them in the programs.

[00:29:10] I have kids in there that want to be there. Is that.

[00:29:13] Dane: [00:29:13] Oh yeah. Okay. Your first few transactions, you might like not believe in yourself as much, which is, I do still with any new idea. I’m like, Oh yeah, we’ll get it. How about 50 bucks? And like, you know, nine months later I’m like, Oh, we’re at 300 now. So you know, your first few people could get a deal and then as you kind of look and see how the numbers really start to work and you know, you find out the benefit for the parents to like, you know, how much time do you spend looking at youth sports programs now and like, Oh, we spend like five hours a month.

[00:29:38] Well, what do you value your time at per hour? Well at least 50 bucks an hour. So that’s $250 of time you’re going to save by getting direct access to the best programs, by the way, it’s free, but to see, you know, that’s what you’re saving. That’s really cool. So everyone profits. And so you might ask them what they charge for the youth sports program, and you say, well, would it be fair to get 20% of that.

[00:29:58] If I’m delivering you a customer and all [00:30:00] you have to do is coach them, I know you have it. Yeah, it’s great as you will figure out what you need to do as you go.

[00:30:06] John: [00:30:06] Man, that’s really good. It’s really good stuff. I wish my wife could be on this call with us. She’s really good about coming up with good questions as well, but that’s been really nice.

[00:30:14] Really good stuff. Really good stuff.

[00:30:16] Dane: [00:30:16] I’m happy to hear that.

[00:30:18] John: [00:30:18] Do you think you could do this, like in reverse to like focus on those programs first and then bring them parents, or do you feel like starting with the parents is really the only way to do this?

[00:30:28] Dane: [00:30:28] Why would you do it the other way? Yeah,

[00:30:31] John: [00:30:31] I was just thinking of like going back to that.

[00:30:33] They’re putting out yard signs there, you know, buying ad space other places.

[00:30:38] Dane: [00:30:38] I mean, you could certainly talk to them and like just say, you know, hypothetically, if I had a 150 families, which, what would you pay? Or, you know, you know what you’d do is you’d probably tally up everything they’re currently doing because people can be kind of finicky about this.

[00:30:52] Like, Oh yeah, I pay you 10% and they go, okay, well tell me how much are you spending on advertising? What about your yard signs? Like, tell me all your advertising efforts, and then the add it all up and you’re like, it’s way more than 20%. Tell me what you’re thinking so I can make sure I’m advising you correctly.

[00:31:05] John: [00:31:05] So the programs are spending money to attract customers,

[00:31:09] Dane: [00:31:09] but that doesn’t matter because you’re not going to be able to do anything for them unless you can get parents.

[00:31:14] John: [00:31:14] Yeah. Yeah. So it really has to start with the parents.

[00:31:17] Dane: [00:31:17] It usually has to start with the thing you’re most scared of doing. Yes. Gotcha.

[00:31:21] Is it scary to go for the parents first?

[00:31:23] John: [00:31:23] Not really, just cause I am a parent and I know my people. Good. That doesn’t really bother me.

[00:31:30] Dane: [00:31:30] So what, how’d you slip into the thinking of going to the sports teams?

[00:31:34] John: [00:31:34] I kinda always like to look at it from different angles as well.

[00:31:37] Dane: [00:31:37] Okay.

[00:31:38] John: [00:31:38] And they have the money.

[00:31:39] Already they’re spending it already,

[00:31:41] Dane: [00:31:41] but I think you’re right.

[00:31:43] John: [00:31:43] It doesn’t make sense again that way because I don’t have anything to really offer

[00:31:46] Dane: [00:31:46] them. Well, there is something else you can do. Like you could go to the sports teams and you could actually just do the Facebook ads for that sport. So like you go to the youth soccer person and be like, Hey, listen, I can get you in front of every family in the city.

[00:31:58] That’s a whole different business [00:32:00] model and that may even be more effective. I liked that even more personally. yeah. You know, you’ve got 10 teams in a city that you’re advertising for on Facebook. You go onto Facebook targeting and say, anyone that’s married over the age of 35 probably has kids around the right age.

[00:32:14] We’re going to show the soccer ad to, Hey, you want to put your kid in soccer? Click here for more information. Hey, you want to put your kid in softball? Click here for more information. You just rotate these ads, these families, and it’ll just self-select and you can just charge per lead. You could charge per whatever.

[00:32:28] So yeah, you could do that right.

[00:32:30] John: [00:32:30] And you like, do you think that sounds more effective?

[00:32:31] Dane: [00:32:31] You’ve got to try both. I like it better initially. You want to try both. Okay. Was a big few fake things to consider because if, let’s say you’re advertising to families and you’re building this list of like, let’s say you got 500 families who are always looking for youth sports programs, these five families, you might be able to sell them other stuff too.

[00:32:50] Right? They’re families that trust you to give them the best youth sports program. Well, who’s to say that on a Friday or Saturday night? There’s some great family center that wants to advertise to them. Hey guys, you’re not doing anything this Friday night. You should check out this place and you just made money there.

[00:33:02] Yeah. Because the value is in the customer list longterm value. If you have 5,000 families in a city and you can say, listen, I’ll get you in front of 5,000 people at night, so this takes like a day of testing to find out. You don’t even need a youth soccer program to do the ad. You put up kids of people playing soccer and say, Hey.

[00:33:20] Information on youth soccer programs in the area. Click for information. You don’t even need to talk to a soccer team to do that. You could run that app in the next five minutes. You could also run the same ad that says, Hey, are you a family looking for the best youth sports programs? And that may grab a whole different demographic of people that aren’t interested in soccer.

[00:33:36] So I just started running Facebook ads.

[00:33:38] John: [00:33:38] So once they like click there, you just basically like lead them to the Facebook page

[00:33:43] Dane: [00:33:43] where. No, you find out what they want and messenger. Gotcha. Just keep it in messenger and then as that works, then you can build out some automated system, but do it manually first.

[00:33:54] Okay.

[00:33:55] John: [00:33:55] And so then you can put them into buckets, like these groups of folks are interested in soccer, this group of [00:34:00] folks is interested in basketball, like that sort of thing. And then send them, or I guess connect them with the programs. Anyway, I’ll have to go all that. Another step out.

[00:34:09] Dane: [00:34:09] That’s a very important part to figure out the fulfillment side.

[00:34:12] The way that you create fulfillment will either make your life awesome or it’ll make your life some more or less awesome or very difficult. The way an idea is fulfilled. Hmm needs to be very strategic because you can totally tip the odds in your favor if you set it up correctly. So why don’t you go out and do stuff for like two weeks and just run a bunch of ads and talk to a bunch of people and then come back and I’ll do another 30 minute interview with you and then we’ll just add it on the end of this episode so people can see what happened.

[00:34:42] John: [00:34:42] Man. That’s really cool.

[00:34:43] Dane: [00:34:43] Okay. Does that sound good? So you’ve got two weeks to run a bunch of ads and tests, like run one ad a day and spend 50 bucks on it. One at a day, 50 bucks max. See what happens. You think like

[00:34:53] John: [00:34:53] this time of year, like does that affect anything

[00:34:56] Dane: [00:34:56] fastest to try and see your condition?

[00:34:58] Employee mind wants to know the entrepreneur mind is condensed to figure it out. So we don’t know until we figure it out and we never want to assume my top marketing friends will run nine different advertisements before they find one that works. These guys are ones doing $1 million a month. They’re that good and they have to run nine ads.

[00:35:15] Wow. So that’s why you want to run one a day. Try one for soccer. The one for softball, like you might find one works better than the other. So then you find out that you just help people get into soccer programs cause that’s way more cost effective for everyone than anything else.

[00:35:27] John: [00:35:27] Yeah.

[00:35:28] Dane: [00:35:28] So then you just contact you.

[00:35:29] Sports teams all across the country that play soccer, say, Hey, we’re really good at getting kids into your soccer programs. Would you like some help? It’s a very good business.

[00:35:36] John: [00:35:36] Yeah, it sounds really cool.

[00:35:37] Dane: [00:35:37] So listen, if you’d like to offer back on this episode, we would treasure that. Let us know what you want more of and what you want less of for the show, and we’ll make sure we try to incorporate that.

[00:35:48] You can email the feedback to hello at, start from zero.com just put feedback in the subject line. Now if you’d like to build a $20,000. I’m on business minimum. I’ve got a friend [00:36:00] who actually does this every single month. Some months he makes as much as $87,000 in a month. I asked him about, and he told me, man, if I can do this, anybody can do it.

[00:36:10] So we’ve turned this into a fully comprehensive course that you can take to learn how to quickly build a $20,000 from a business. If you’d like information on that, you can go to start from zero.com and on the home page you’ll find a link to it. Now, if you’ve been struggling to take action, if you really feel there is more for your life, but you know.

[00:36:26] We’re gonna need to take action to do it, but taking action is so difficult. You just can’t seem to get yourself to do it. We have a wonderful free tool. You can find it@startfromzero.com forward slash DJP and if you go there within 20 minutes of applying the process, you’ll find yourself wanting to play the game, wanting to step in the game and wanting to take action.

[00:36:47] I use DJP for myself all the time with things like figuring out revenue models to hearing out lead capture systems, figuring out how to hire someone if I’m ever stuck with . Difficult action. I’ll actually apply DJP because what it does that wakes up a deeper intuition, a deeper wisdom, so we can actually do something really cool instead of stay stuck.

[00:37:07] So that’s it. Please rate the show. Please subscribe and go on and listen to the next episode. Let’s do this.

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