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[00:01:22] So today I’m talking to dr Kimberly. Where are you at in the world? I am in Reno, Nevada. So what is your big goal for this call and also your kind of your big goal for where you’re at in life? So my big goal for the call is to come up with a viable game plan to develop and scale a technology platform that will support education, mitigate poverty, poverty, and change the world.
[00:01:47] And I’m working on multiple levels right now. So, you know, my day life is, I am the CEO of K three charter school, the first one in Nevada, and it’s a partnering preschool. So on [00:02:00] the same campus, we serve students from. Well, campuses within a mile of each other, I should say, but they’re all considered the same campus.
[00:02:07] We serve babies from six weeks old all the way through eighth grade, and we have plans to go through high school as early as next year as we’re building a building right now. And so that’s my day job. I’m also working on, you know, a level of, I’m writing my memoir while I’m editing my memoir. It should be published this month and it’ll be featured within the month, and it will be featured in yoga journal and some other places.
[00:02:30] So I’m really excited about that. But why that’s important is because that leads into the bigger plan of the technology project, which is, you know, developing this technology platform. That actually change the way we approach to education. And so it’s really exciting, but I feel like there’s so many pieces that are moving constantly.
[00:02:49] You know, I need a game plan to make it all make sense and work. What would you do if you didn’t have any advice from anyone at all and you had to trust your gut the whole time? I’ve actually spent a ton of time trusting my gut, so, you know, I would keep doing that, but I, I felt like I don’t. How is your good saying to seek advice?
[00:03:07] Yes. Okay. All right. Yeah. So can you say with the vision is, it was three things. I’m looking for a, you know, to develop a viable game plan. It develops and scales a technology platform that will support the education model that I had in place at my school. And that platform actually will help mitigate poverty and change the world.
[00:03:30] What does mitigate poverty mean? That means poverty in itself. There’s, there’s a culture within poverty, and so mitigating is. Providing students or their families with alternative strategies to either decrease the level of poverty or help them with a mind shift change so that they realize they don’t necessarily have to be stuck in poverty for the rest of their life just because they’re born into it or have situational poverty where they experience it.
[00:04:00] [00:03:59] Okay, so high level, real quick, since your best, a sort of high degree of. Intelligence here. I’ll keep this brief and then you let me know if it’s not enough. Fundamental business success principle. Whatever you want to call it is that a customer will use a mechanism to get a result. Okay. But this works in many areas.
[00:04:17] Child will go to high school to get a result, to go to college. That result to get them a good job, right? Right. A woman wants to lose 20 pounds. She could use many mechanisms, right? Person who wants to, an intimate relationship. They could use many mechanisms for that. Now, to flip it, this is where you start to get a lot of momentum.
[00:04:35] You, we now have, customer wants result, so they use a mechanism. So if we think of this as entrepreneurs, and we developed this in our entrepreneurial thinking, we now look to the customer, we look to the result they want, and then through that we introduce a mechanism. This thinking can shift so much because the beginners really love mechanisms.
[00:04:57] So much. You know, if you’re a big tech company and you’ve got this like game changing tech product, and you think it’s actually about the technology and the people don’t care about the technology, right? They want a self driving car, right? People don’t care about the technology. They want to save a hundred grand a year.
[00:05:16] So let’s say you happen to walk into a tech company and they had a hundred people and they were all stressed because their technology was tanking. And like, what are you going to do to save us, dr Kimberly? What are you going to do to save us? And you say, well, you’re not really a technology company.
[00:05:28] You’re in the business of providing a result. So yes, you are also a technology company. However, we just need to get you guys realigned to the result because the technology could change a hundred different times. As you go into that company and you figure out what results are they committed to providing, and then you more warp and orient the technology around the result.
[00:05:47] So you don’t lead with technology in this particular framework. You lead with result. Leading with tech could work depending on situations. This isn’t like a always the way to go because sometimes tech is so [00:06:00] sexy that you just lead with the Tesla car. You know, you lead with the iPhone, but you know, for the rest of us who are more mere mortals, who don’t have those resources to build those things, it’s really nice just to sit with someone and figure out what results they care about.
[00:06:12] Once you figure out the result they care about, you can show them. And find the best mechanism to deliver it. Let’s just break by your vision so you have mitigate poverty, right? Very heady. Probably not going to inspire much action, right? Unless you’re talking to a room full of, I dunno. People are sitting around a boardroom table and it says, it sort of sounds good, but you know what sounded better to me was when you said decreased poverty.
[00:06:39] Okay. That I understood. Okay. I’ve said, I’ve said this a few times, a couple of podcasts recently. It keeps coming up, but you want to speak the vision to your children and have your children get it so chosen to mitigate poverty. Mom, where’s this? Cheerios?
[00:06:56] So decrease poverty. They’d probably get poverty. Maybe a word for children themselves. You know, I don’t know that, that they even really realize they experience poverty. They just wake up every day and live in an igloo of poverty or a culture of poverty, but they might not wake up and say. I’m in poverty.
[00:07:16] I increased the struggle to survive. Right. But they, yeah. And they realize very much when they don’t have what their friends have, where they don’t experience with their friends experience, or if they live in a hotel and take a bus to school, they know that they’re different. But they might not associate that with the word poverty.
[00:07:37] So I’m thinking when I was, you know, writing out, you know, the bigger picture, I’m thinking I’m talking more to the adults who teach the children. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not like children need to get it, but. You know, Martin Luther King is remembered forever, and I think a kid would get what he said. Right. And so did adults.
[00:07:58] So let’s just go with [00:08:00] decreased poverty for now. Okay. As a result, that makes sense to me. Okay. Decrease poverty. And what was the other one you said struggled? Does survive. No, no, I’m sorry. The other thing in your vision after, after poverty to Maggie poverty and change the world, it’s okay. We have to start somewhere and this is where we’re starting and that’s perfectly okay.
[00:08:21] So change the world. What does that mean? For me that means if you change one person’s life through this model of education, then there’s a ripple effect, which could change one life at a time. Yes. Decrease poverty and change one life at a time. Which one seems easier to follow? Mitigate poverty and change the world or decrease poverty and change one life at a time.
[00:08:46] Yes. The second one for sure. Let’s really build this into the structure of your being, so I want you to feel the first one, the one that’s just a little more general. I want to mitigate poverty and change the world, and there’s nothing bad or wrong about this at all. We’re just looking at our experience.
[00:09:05] How does that feel? You don’t even have to articulate anything. Just feel it. Do you have the feeling. Yes. Good. Okay, so now let’s contrast it with, I want to decrease poverty and change one life at a time and feel that. Tell me about them. So mitigating poverty and change the world is, it feels like a core part of me because that’s the way I’ve thought for so long.
[00:09:30] It feels like it’s part of my being and I understand it. But when I think of decreased poverty and change one life at a time, I felt like I can do that right now, this second and no, I have a result. So when you feel more inspired to do. I don’t know if he’s more inspired, but I feel like it’s achievable.
[00:09:48] It’s like I can do that right now. Whereas mitigate poverty and change the world feels more long term. More global, more. Yes. Yes. Good. So you get what mitigate poverty is and [00:10:00] you get what change in the world isn’t. If you’d like to get a free one on one with me and beyond the show, you can find out forward slash podcast and then we’ll get to the game changing tech thing.
[00:10:13] Next. You get what those things mean. Right. So those are what you hold to yourself. Yes. But in terms of mastering influence. And speaking, decrease poverty and change one life at a time. Right. And that that makes you want to join me, right? Yeah. So tell me about what game changer technology means. So it’s basically a way to a model.
[00:10:36] It’s the technology that supports a model. So it’s embedded within the daily life of the classroom that will address several gaps in education. There’s a gap in education where it’s called the developmentally appropriate practice or developmental learning theory versus the accountability movement.
[00:10:54] There’s a huge gap between the two and what we’ve seen is that people know, most people know. That we teach children based on developmental learning theory in the science of learning. However, this accountability movement came into play because the players at Bea felt that America wasn’t making it with this education grade, and so they put in this accountability measure to ensure that.
[00:11:19] All students are learning, all students are growing. But what that movement has done is put such pressure on teachers and leaders that we have seen an increase of more traditional skill and drill rote learning, memorization, teaching to the test desk in rows. And we’ve seen that model that’s typically been.
[00:11:44] For K through 12 we’ve seen it being pushed down to lower and lower grade levels and it’s not appropriate because students aren’t able to retain as much information when they sit in a desk all day as to when they’re able to explore and experience [00:12:00] play and really engage in whatever material they’re trying to master for, you know, standards or, or skills that they have to master based on their age and ability.
[00:12:11] That’s kind of a big global overview of it. So this doesn’t just address. Gaps with students who experienced poverty. Although there is a bigger achievement gap for the students who experience poverty than the students who don’t experience poverty. Students will use this technology to make decisions about their education, so it becomes personalized and it’s differentiated and individualized based on their preferences and learning styles.
[00:12:40] And so students become more engaged because. They now have some control. They’re learning to make decisions about their education. And when you have that sense of control or learning to make decisions, you’re building things in the brain, like metacognition, executive functioning. You’re also building something called self agency, which is the ability to have self control.
[00:13:03] And when you’re doing these things, you’re increasing engagement in the classroom, which automatically increases achievement. So we’re getting the same results that the accountability movement once. If we carefully designed the environment and set up the system to work for us and the model that I have, we actually use it at my school and we’ve seen that it works.
[00:13:26] We use it with a manual board, manual prototype of the model, and so we know that it works and students can make decisions on where they want to learn. And when and how, when they learn how to regulate their time, plan out their time. So for example, I have a kindergarten class. They’re generally about five years old.
[00:13:45] I had a teacher do a master’s thesis on a kindergarten class. Can students make choices to attend? These five required must do centers within a week’s time frame without any teacher intervention at all. And she found that [00:14:00] five-year-olds could do this successfully. At a rate of about 75% and what that means.
[00:14:08] Is one. It frees up a lot of teacher time. When students are working in this model, they’re choosing where they want to learn. We’ve set up the environment so we know that they’re learning. Teachers can now pull small groups, work with individual students, conduct authentic assessments. You know, there’s all these things that teachers now free to do with their time, and then they can coach that 25% we start to look at what the learner is.
[00:14:29] Is like in their decision making process, are they the student who tries to get all of their must use done the first day or two of their time. Okay, that’s very good. What do you need help with? So I think when I need help with is. One, where do I go to get the technology developed? How do I find the right places?
[00:14:51] I have a lot of players in the industry that say, this is great. We want to do the research, we want to support you, we’ll provide you with an advisory board, but I don’t have the actual technology developed, so I need that. And then what does that mean that you don’t have the technology developed. So the tool that we’re using a habit in a manual form that teachers make by hand, and I don’t have it computerized, they don’t have a software for it.
[00:15:18] Okay. You and you have people that are ready to implement this in their schools. Yes. I have a group. I was recently at Harvard and I had a group sign up that would be interested to implement this in their schools as the trial, because the way education research works as you implement it and then you.
[00:15:34] Look at the iterations and see how it works, and make adjustments from there and get feedback from the teachers and then look at scaling. So I kind of know bits and pieces. I’ve also been told by some folks at the state of Nevada department of education that they’d be interested in seeing it implemented in some of our schools.
[00:15:50] So when most people come to me, for example, they have nothing to start from. So what I do is I tell them how to start. I tell them to find a problem. I tell him to [00:16:00] solve it, I tell them to get experts in place to solve it. I tell them to get results with those experts, and then when they have results, I tell them to start selling it to other people.
[00:16:08] Okay. You’ve already done all that, right? So this is a very exciting conversation because now we’re looking at how do you implement and create the proper mechanism, right? That you’ve already vetted, right? So we’re looking at creating a mechanism. So how do you feel about rolling out to just one school at a time?
[00:16:26] I feel like initially that works until it’s fully developed. I also feel like there’s a timeliness issue because as soon as this is out there. I’ve already been told and I already knew in my gut, like it’s gonna fly, like everyone’s going to try and develop their own version of it, then would that be a problem?
[00:16:44] It’s not a problem, but you want to be first on the market to as many people as you can, and my fear, I guess, would be that other people have more resources so they can scale it a lot faster. How do you make money with this? Selling it to schools based on an individual student subscription. Because the, there would be yearly updates.
[00:17:04] There’s tracking of students and, and there’s tracking of what you’re going to charge per seat. Correct. In a public school would buy this? Yes. So a school with 400 kids in a grade, what would they pay? What I’m seeing in similar type products, not that they’re similar in the model, but they’re similar in this subscription is 10 to 12.
[00:17:27] Or so dollars per student. The more that you purchase, the less expensive it gets. If you’re wanting to go a total market, like do you want to be number one. Of course. Okay, well not a lot of people want to be number one for me. I’m not sure where I stand on that front. It’s like I like waking up, helping them help to some people every day and living an amazing life where I get to be real close to have a great relationship with my family.
[00:17:51] Right? And so I want to be number one, but I want to be number one and then be able to step back and pick and choose. I don’t want to be working three jobs at the same [00:18:00] time. You know, I eventually, you know, want to move into where I am picking and choosing and enjoying my family. Well, number one, that you can break these rules, but number one is you look at people who’ve been number one, it’s generally 12 hour days, right?
[00:18:14] I mean, right now I’m probably doing 1618 so. Well, so it’d be a downgrade for you. Well, I’m a bit intimidated talking to you to be honest, cause you’re like, you know all this doctorate stuff, you’re talking to Harvard and you’ve got all these results. You’ve got these advanced maps education. I’m like, I’m surprised you need help until I see you actually just really want to get this tech thing figured out how to roll out the tech.
[00:18:38] Then I’m like, okay, I’m not, I’m not a coder. I don’t get it. Have you started looking. I haven’t. I’ve had a few people start and then they get sidetracked and have to do other things or something because I’ve been told that while it’s simple, it’s like a simple inventory type program. It also gets complicated.
[00:18:57] Where does it get complicated? It gets complicated because there’s adaptable features in it. Ideally. You know, you can start smaller and have it very simple in beta. Like I’ve learned a few computer terms along the way, but the end product has, you know, student avatars where students are designing their own avatars.
[00:19:18] And then, let me, let me pause for a second. So what if you weren’t number one, but you were like making like $1 million a month? I mean, that’d be okay. So it’s not necessarily about number one. It’s just about is half a million dollars a month in student revenue. I mean, if you’re a 10 or $20 a head, you need 50,000 students and you’re done.
[00:19:37] Right. And that that subscription is for the year. Yup. Oh, right. $10 per year. Right. So you’re looking at 500,000 right? Oh man. Are you sure you want to do all this? I mean, I get scared. I, but I firmly believe like. This isn’t a new idea, you know, and it’s a new idea in [00:20:00] that it hasn’t been introduced to the world.
[00:20:02] But I’ve like had this idea for a while and it aligns with everything I’ve done in education. And I’ve been, uh, you know, asked if I would want to sell it. And I’m like, I don’t. I don’t know. He’s a game changer. I feel like it’s really going to help people and the way we look at education, because right now we’re still in the industrial area where we mass produce students in desks, in rows and push them out the door and we’re not changing the world and people, you know, get to college and career readiness or go out for the workforce and they don’t know what the hell they want to do because.
[00:20:31] They’ve been told what to do their entire life and haven’t made decisions. And so that’s where I really feel like it ties into the mitigating poverty or, or decreasing poverty, changing one life at a time because the students really start to learn to make decisions and take control of their education, which helps them take control of their life.
[00:20:50] Okay. So did you see how Elan Musk released the patent technology for his electric car? I didn’t see how I released that. As far as I’m aware, he’s given away the Pat for free so other people can build electric cars like he gave away his quote game changing technology. Okay to the world. You think the technology is actually what might make you number one, but it’s much more of the team, so much more than marketing, so much more how you support and manage your idea.
[00:21:20] I mean, because there’s like 10 social networks from, and there was something called Bebo. There’s my space, Yammer, Facebook. And they all implemented the same idea differently. So it’s really what I, what I would love just for people to get as a listing to this. We’re going to get you some cool stuff on this call, but I want to illustrate is like if I gave a single idea.
[00:21:45] And I gave it a 10 different people, all of them would implement it differently. Right. And so it’s really about, I want you to focus is not about the idea. It’s not about the technology as much as it is about the implementation. Okay? [00:22:00] Like a, say a 10% idea at 10% technology. 80% implementation. Okay. So like this means that you’ve got to rethink.
[00:22:09] How you roll this out. So you do not have the, like the customizability of it’s gotta be drastically reduced. So you actually have a scalable, standard operating procedure that doesn’t pull your hair out. Right? But what I was thinking about was if you want to work like say six hours a day and make. 1 million or two a year.
[00:22:30] How does that sound? That sounds very peaceful. How does this sound to work 12 hours a day and make 50 million a year? It sounds busy. Yes. So have you thought about publishing this for free as a book, having it all be in a book and then having people be able to hire you to implement it in their school for help?
[00:22:52] So I thought about writing the book on the model. Yup. I didn’t know how to approach the technology piece of it because I hadn’t thought about providing that information for free. What do you mean by publishing technology free? So I’m implementing the model at my school right now, so I could write that book on the model.
[00:23:11] I already had like a hundred pages or so done. Yeah. That’s after my memoirs finished, but I haven’t included that. The idea is to have a technology component to implement the model. I know I’m jumping around a lot, but I want to go back to this phrase, a game changing technology to help mitigate poverty and change the world.
[00:23:28] We now have a game changing technology to help decrease poverty and change one life at a time. Yes. In terms of the game changing technology, I want you to switch that to something about, we have an innovative model that addresses the current gaps in education to decrease poverty and change the life one at a time, but it also helps people that aren’t poor.
[00:23:47] Right. It does it and that, that was another thing I was going to mention to you is it helps everybody. It’s just my personal passion is to help people. You have a model, those kinds of things. Cause that’s what I experienced. And so [00:24:00] I’m trying to give back. Right. You have a model for education that breaks the industrial revolution model.
[00:24:07] Yes. We’re teachers get that. If they paid attention in class and learned about the industrial revolution, we’ll do no two teachers understand where the origins of education come from. I mean they should. I don’t know that they do. I don’t know that they remember. So as a general, the higher vision, when we’re simplifying it as this is the new, the new model that breaks the industrial revolution and creates a new generation of children who thrive.
[00:24:34] Yes, we do that by, we have a model that addresses the current gaps in education. That, by the way, helps decrease poverty and works even better on students who don’t have poverty and changes one school at a time. Yes. You know, it’s interesting. We love to bring in our personal experience into these missions.
[00:24:55] And then we ended up alienating. So I’m glad we caught this. So it’s simplifying back to a model that breaks the industrial, the origins of industrial education system and builds a new generation of thriving children. So your good Lord, you’re actually at the forefront of creating the next generation of people that could save a planet.
[00:25:18] Yes. Cause you look at a child and you say, listen, you’re not broken. The education system is broken. Yes. There’s a school system actually that they have their own way of teaching and you can actually buy franchises have it be like a private school model and I cannot remember the name of it, but the guy’s got a Ted talk.
[00:25:37] Okay. You might know him. Cause each student that comes to the school, they give them the identity of you are a hero on a hero’s journey. Okay. Have you heard of this school. It sounds familiar. Yes. Yeah, so they all children come in and say, guess what? You are a hero on a hero’s journey. And that identity does wonders for these kids, and then they give them the ability to pick and choose.
[00:25:59] And so [00:26:00] it’s really interesting model. How many people could you sign up right now if you had the technology built? How many schools? I would think 15 schools freely. And that’s going back to my Harvard group of people that said that they want to implement this right away. As well as my school, and I’m sure I’d have some in the state.
[00:26:21] And what’s the, how many students would that be? Depends on school sizes. Give me a ballpark. 15 people. Each school has an average of how many kids? I’d say more traditional public schools have like seven 50 to a thousand smaller schools have 500 so let’s call it. 9,000 students across 15 schools. Okay, so 9,000 students at 10 to $20 per head is 90 grand to 180 grand on 15 schools.
[00:26:52] How many schools are in the country? I looked up how many? 98,000 public schools. 67,000 elementary schools. 24,000 secondary. Are these schools public schools, the 15 that you’re talking about? I’d have to double check. Some of them might be like, yeah, the public schools have budgets for this kind of thing.
[00:27:13] They do build in budgets if it’s a timing issue, so as we move into January, in the second semester, they’re looking what they’re going to do for next year. That’s how they build their budgets. Like in our state specifically, we turn in our budget between March and then we finalize it in June. You know, I’m not sure the person you’re needing to hire for this, but you’re looking for like, let’s just say if you hired me to do it, I would come.
[00:27:37] I would live in it. I would flowchart out every aspect of it. I would stare at all of it. I would find the patterns. I would look for the things that would be really expensive to develop, and I’d figure out how to mitigate that. You like that those, then also I would just need to like basically get an entire picture of this entire process.
[00:27:57] And then by looking at it, I would just see how to [00:28:00] streamline and build. I don’t know what that kind of a person is cause it’s a very strategic role, but it’s someone very skilled at stripping things down to the essence. Cause there’s, you’ve got a lot of things fighting against you. Like. We’ve got a, we’ve got a simplified vision, our mission that you’re able to articulate.
[00:28:18] We’ve got the constitute, you’re putting this book into a model, which I think is going to be, that’s going to be your number one marketing piece that sells the technology platform. If you build it, building a technology platform like this, that is a very, um, I’ve talked to owners of software companies before.
[00:28:38] Yeah. Where I think they’ve jokes that they would rather burn a stack of $10 million in cash than build a product that is built. Right? Because they underestimated the scope. They end up adding one little feature at a time that it makes it more complicated for everyone else who joins. I mean, you’ve also got the fact that when you implement this technology is probably going to require training.
[00:28:57] Right. I think it’s really important to get clear on the lifestyle you want. Cause once we get clear on your dream outcome, we can create this and we can skin this cat in the best way. Okay. What is your dream lifestyle outcome? Would you rather be remembered as the woman who changed education and be in history books?
[00:29:17] But I’ve had like very little time with your family. Because we don’t want to prescribe to any beliefs at all. We want to say we could test everything out, test all these beliefs out, but like would you rather have $100 million a year education company where you’ve got like a team of, I don’t know how many people that’d be maybe 3000 people.
[00:29:36] That are working with you, like answering customer support bugs every day. Tech support things, always innovating. Things need to go on iPhone and other need to go on Android. Now they need to go on because the product you’re building is like, I would be nervous for bill Gates to try and roll this out.
[00:29:51] Right. And I like that part. People who I’ve talked to as far as the technology side to, they get intimidated. Because when you’re talking about us [00:30:00] education and the potential, I could just get that roaming. You could like release a book on the model. You could even release a full book on the technology and just charge a licensing fee for anybody that uses it.
[00:30:14] Who decides to build something with it, like so in other words, you’re worried about your competition. You could completely sidestep fat and say, Hey, everybody. Here’s what we need to build. I do not want to build it, but this is the tech. I’ll release all of it. I just want X, Y, Zed for anybody who takes this technology to implement it.
[00:30:31] But here’s the idea. That’s interesting. And then they hire you, you know, and you charge them money to consult on how it gets built. And you want to be really clear, like, do you want to be remembered in history forever and you don’t care how you get there? Do you want to be remembered in history forever and care about good quality of life?
[00:30:48] Do you actually just want $1 million a month? To spend time with your family and definitely want a good quality life with my family. Okay, good. Quality life with your family is really high. So what does that look like? How many hours a day? I would say like I would like to be doing more consulting or public speaking, or how you want to be an industry leader.
[00:31:11] Right. But it’s not just that, like when you look at the books that I’m writing, the memoir side of it, it’s more of a personal. She said helping people. So there’s the education side of it and they’re related. And that’s why I chose to write the memoir first cause it kind of is like my business card for how I got to be a doctor.
[00:31:29] Because most people see that and assume that I was given that I grew up in a wealthy family and I didn’t, I earned every single ounce. Do you mean most of those people being in poverty consciousness or do people like middle class, suburb, et cetera? Like. I’ve run into that across, I think demographics.
[00:31:46] I’ve had multiple people assume. Yeah. It’s interesting. One of the things that one of my favorite marketers said is that people that are successful really love to be acknowledged for their hard work. They simultaneously hate it when people question it. Huh, [00:32:00] interesting. Yeah. Cause you went through a lot of difficulty to get that doctorate.
[00:32:04] I imagine. Right? So they’re doing the best they can. That’s just what their conditioning says and what their identity of you is BS, and it’s their identity. I don’t know how solving that problem will help anything other than maybe help you feel better about that towards them, but chances are you’re going to share that story with them and they’ll see that and I’ll be like, Oh, Whoa, yeah, sorry.
[00:32:25] Or, Oh, yeah, okay, well, so I still can, I still can’t do what you did. I mean, whatever response, like so. Well, I, that’s why I’m trying to write that book because there’s a second piece of that. It’s the how to like giving people ideas and thoughts, how they can change that. Yes, education is one piece of that, but how can they change it outside of education in the background you came from was one of like abuse and trauma and things like this.
[00:32:47] Correct. And already, and runaway at. No. 13. What’s the title of the book? Uh, unbroken. The road to freedom. Okay. Um, can we talk about that title? Sure. Is that title fixed? It’s not fixed cause it’s not published yet, but it’s like design and whatnot. Yes. I have a book cover and everything designed in and I focused it around.
[00:33:11] So if you’re going to help me change it, I’d love to hear it. Now let’s just talk a little about it. You know how an abused 13 year old runaway. Became a doctor as a title is a far more interesting story than unbroken the road to freedom. Now, Joseph Campbell wrote like the hero’s journey. You heard of this guy?
[00:33:30] I haven’t heard of Joseph Campbell, but the heroes kind of heard of the hero’s journey. Okay. The hero’s journey is his heroes got to go on a quest. They’ve got to face adversity. Like what you’ve done is the archetypical hero story. You know, we go after something. We have to overcome an obstacle. It’s really hard.
[00:33:46] We work hard. We obtain it. The hero’s journey is what George Lucas applied that model to star Wars. Luke Skywalker’s got to go on this journey and he can’t do it, and he finds that he can, etc. Anyway. [00:34:00] That star Wars is one of the most successful franchises of all time because it’s a compelling hero’s journey story, and it had great cinematic effects and all this amazing stuff right.
[00:34:11] For years, people have asked me about a book, something simple that they could read that was completely comprehensive, that would help them learn how to start a business when they have no ideas, no money, no experience, no real expertise. When they’re insecure, when they don’t have confidence. How do you start from zero?
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[00:35:11] And it had at the heart of it, one heck of a story, right? So if the hero’s journey is kind of embedded into the human psyche and you leverage that on the title of your book, you’re plugging into a preexisting idea within someone’s brain. That’s a lot of leverage. Okay. So when you say how an abused 13 year old runaway stricken with poverty became a thriving and successful doctor as a title of a book, most of your hard work will be done.
[00:35:39] People will be captivated by that and want to pick it up and then underneath it you could say something about the unbroken road to freedom is the subtitle unbroken. The road to freedom becomes really good if you have unbroken big text up top. How a 13 year old abuse, runaway stricken with poverty became a thriving [00:36:00] doctor underneath on broken.
[00:36:02] Okay. No, we might be going into more direction that could be beneficial. So you could still use the word unbroken. I had chose that working with some folks over at SPS and some of the writing coaches going through a process of like looking at how I felt as a child and really honing in on. That feeling of brokenness and how I feel as an adult and how I got there.
[00:36:26] That’s how the title came about. So in it, but I hear what you’re saying. So I’m, I’m, well, you know, if the title said broken, you’ll capture way more attention than unbroken because most people feel broken. Okay. Most people, myself included, depending on the moment, depending on my level of metacognition, depending on what I’m believing about myself, I could slip into believing that I’m broken, right?
[00:36:52] I’m walking around and this comes from religious conditioning. This comes from abuse. This comes from a society like I’m a piece of fruit and a moldy fruit bowl. I get moldy. Is it the fruits problem or the bowl is the bowl I grew up in was wrong. Nothing is broken about me. Everything is broken about the environment I grew up in.
[00:37:14] This is a tricky conditioning to shake, right? Most of us grew up in broken fruit bowls, so whether you grew up Christian and you’re told you’re a center and your only way to salvation is Jesus. Right, but you are a center and you’re born into sin. Like that sends a message broken versus as Christianity became more loving, it’s like, Hey, sometimes you make mistakes, you’re still beautiful.
[00:37:38] Jesus can be a model. Words can be a big deal here. But what I’m sort of saying at is that the fruit bowl, so what I’m saying also is that. There’s a voice inside of me that says broken. If I believe it, instead of notice it, it runs my life. If I just noticed the voice that says broken without believing it, then I’m like, Whoa, that’s crazy.
[00:37:59] Right? But the [00:38:00] fact is the voice is there. The voice of unbroken is only starting to appear as I’m noticing the voice of broken. But if your book said broken, it would rip my eyes towards it and it would rip everyone’s eyes towards it. L sizer, who secretly feels broken. And if you want to grab people that feel broken and then uplift them, they’re probably better off going with something that’s going to zing them.
[00:38:24] Okay, so you would go broken how an abused 13 year old one away became a successful, thriving doctor. And if you want to do something cool on the book, you could have broken real big, and then you could have. Sort of hidden behind it to unbroken, broken to unbroken, but you want to encapsulate, you had a hero’s journey and you want people to know about that.
[00:38:46] So one, they understand they can do it too and want, it frees a lot of the judgments and people can see the clarity of how this stuff really happens. Does that sound accurate? Yes. Yeah, so that’s how I’d approach the title. Okay. You know, like I was at that event. The SPS in the self publishing school is the business that he wants to Google self publishing school is Chandler bolt, great business.
[00:39:07] He started, he was an early student of mine, very, very proud of him and I now have him mentor me. Yeah. I asked him to mentor me now, which is amazing to have as a teacher. Your students. Do so well. So anyhow, like I’m at this event, there’s a woman there and she’s got a book, and what book title is? So he hit you again, threw himself on you and tried to mold you into his image girl.
[00:39:29] And then. Fuck that. that’s a book who’s probably going to get picked up, right? So he hits you again, story intrigue. Uh, how poor abused 13 year old went away, became a successful doctor. That will probably capture a generation of people. You’re on a TV show and they say, we’re here with dr Kimberly who has a rape book, I’ll call it unbroken.
[00:39:52] The road to freedom almost sounds like you’re like a politician. Yeah. Hey, we’re here with dr Kimberly, who’s got a book called broken. [00:40:00] How an abused poor 13 year old girl became a thriving doctor and saves her life. Hmm. So now let’s go to the book that you want to write for education. Okay. What’s the title working title you have there?
[00:40:13] It was definitely much more education related, so I don’t have it fully fleshed out, but it was in the premise of providing play in choice and play is actually a trademark that I have for promoting learning and accountability for young children or youth. And it’s about empowering them through play in choice.
[00:40:31] You have a trademark on this word. Yes. Promoting learning and accountability with young children or youth, depending on who you’re, what age group you’re working with, and what’s the result of a child for getting to have all this? What result did they end up with? They end up with freedom because they’re empowered to make choices about their education and pursue our own interests and preferences and dreams.
[00:40:56] So you’re giving children freedom to be themselves. Yes. Like maybe freedom to choose or something like that. So you are going to stand up on a podium as a Martin Luther King, and imagine you say this, it is our utter imperative that we give children the freedom to be themselves. Yes. I mean, that gets tears in my eyes.
[00:41:18] And that a child would understand, you know, I got on a Skype once the class full of like third graders and I was going to share all my wisdom with these third graders and I get on the thing and I get in front of these third graders and like I just like my heart, it’s my throat and I’m like, I had all these things I wanted to say.
[00:41:34] And like when I looked at the kids and I just said, listen, I just want all of you to know that you matter. That’s so important cause they don’t know it. And I said, can you raise your hand right now in this room? Show of hands, who here feels like they matter? And I had like, maybe like. 10% of the kids raised their hand.
[00:41:49] And then I turned off and had some sort of like message I said, and by the end of the class, every kid raised their hand and felt like they mattered and it had something to do with the kids. One kid shared how they struggled with this. And one kid share [00:42:00] the struggle with this third graders, you know, talking about, they’re really worried about when they make a piece of artwork that someone’s going to judge it and it would really hurt them.
[00:42:07] It’s a third grader saying this, and then as they do around, then they, they’re like, Oh my gosh, like we can be ourselves. They all matter. And it was like, I mean, it hit me so hard. Random, you know, I had all these impressive things I wanted to share, but it was actually quite simple.
[00:42:23] Thank you. MLK simple. I have a dream. I want you to know that you all matter right. So you stand on a podium and you are now speaking from your soul and you say it is our utter imperative as a society for the health, the future of our world. That we do not turn children against themselves, that we do not condition children to believe that they don’t matter, that we do not push children into certain careers.
[00:42:49] It is my belief, and I stand fervently in this and I would die behind this, that it is utterly important that we give children. The tools, so they have the freedom to be themselves. We have no higher calling as parents and no higher calling as a civilization, as a world, than to give children the tools to have the freedom to choose themselves and to be themselves.
[00:43:11] Because the child that has the freedom to be himself or herself as loving, compassionate, considerate. The child that’s chosen themselves knows how to honor their intuition. That’s awesome. That’s everything, I think all the time. So now you have language for it, like, well, you already think it. Now it’s brought into reality and this is something definitely worth dying for.
[00:43:31] Giving children the tools so they have the freedom to choose themselves. That could also be a book title. You know, giving children the tools so they have the freedom. To choose themselves. I mean, that would stop me in my tracks. Oh, and so would you choose that title over the one we were talking about earlier, which is, you know, looking at a model, the play model, a model that for education that breaks the industrial revolution and new model that [00:44:00] breaks the education system and builds a new generation of thinking, thriving children.
[00:44:04] I mean, that can be on the sleeve. It could go on the back. Okay. I mean, it depends on who your reader is, right? But if you wanted to reach like everyone, I think the title that we have there is, cause if mother’s like read this and then like there’s like a call to be crazy, but like you get a mother’s and there’s like a call to action in a chapter where they ended up like going to the schools and begging for this to be implemented.
[00:44:30] Turn mothers into your sales team. Now you’re like on a whole different level of the strategy. You know, what’s the school going to do with a hundred moms come like, you’ve got to put this into their school. Right. But that comes to the technology in terms of the technology, like, so here’s how you want to do this.
[00:44:45] Do you want to find, and you want to look for open source software developers? Have you? Or do you know what? Open sources, I heard the term, so open sources where programmers go to make excellent projects just for the passion of coding. They also do it to build a resume and put, it’s a little known secret, just like the top developers hang out and open source.
[00:45:05] Okay. So you look up open source software, open source frameworks over source. So like if you go, for example, like there’s one called the Django project, D G a N G O project, you type Django project in Google. You got Django The web framework for perfectionist with deadlines. That’s Django. If you go to there’s a link up here called community.
[00:45:28] You click on community and then you’ve got community blog post Django jobs, Q and a links Django packages. There is an IRC channel where you can talk with these people. There are Django people. Oh, local Django knots near you. Let’s click on that. The United States at 2,588 people, it’s click on the United States.
[00:45:49] So now I’m in the United States for a lot of people. So you contacted people in open source and you send them an email and you say, listen, I have [00:46:00] a. Technology product that could be implemented. And you speak with simple language. So you don’t say, I’ve got a game changing technology. None of that. Okay.
[00:46:08] Cause they hear that crap all the time. Okay. Cause people don’t know how to speak about their products and they get so excited about it that they end up saying this game changer. Well, no, no. It’s a model that addresses current education gaps that gives children the tools. Have the freedom to choose themselves.
[00:46:22] Okay. Anyway, like you come out and say something like that and now you’ve got a pretty powerful mission, so you go, you could to develop. You talked to a developer, listen, I’ve got a school, or we perfected a model that gives children the tools to have the freedom to choose themselves. I’ve got other schools that are ready to pay for this and ready to roll it out.
[00:46:42] I have no idea how to transform this idea from my school into a reusable software project. So I’m wondering if I might be able to speak with you and show you it and see if you could help me put together a plan of action for that. You’ll send this to 20 open source developers that you find you can do Django project.
[00:47:02] You could use Ruby on rails. You can look up top open source communities on Google. There may be like software development meetups. And your area. So you go open source. You may email 20 of them, you’ll probably end up getting three of them really interested in kind of talking you through it. I’ll tell you how to think through it and that’ll help.
[00:47:22] That’s if you want to end up building it and you may be able to build a very elegant web-based only, no mil mobile apps kind of platform where it’s like, you know, the 20% of it that would take you a year to build is the manual part. And all the automated stuff is in the software or something, right?
[00:47:40] There’s a lot of strategy to this, but that’s one route. The other route I would really encourage is that you actually just give them the information for people to potentially build a platform and then, you know, you charge a licensing fee. Okay. So in terms of like next steps, you know, I would probably try these three things.
[00:47:57] So you’ve got these 15 schools, I pick your favorite school, [00:48:00] and then I’d pick a developer and see if you can implement it for like one school. Okay. You know, tell the school that they could fund the development of the whole project and then get it free for life. Well, I can do that at my own school. Like, cause I feel like they should be the first to use it.
[00:48:15] Yeah. Very good. The tenants of entrepreneurship, enrolling things out tend to work no matter how big or small it is. You just want to get it working on a small scale first. And so that’s what I would do. I’d work on that book. I’d change your memoir title. I would start standing on your soapbox talking about giving children the tools to the freedom to choose themselves and all the benefits of that.
[00:48:35] And now. You’ll have a lot of attention, I imagine, more than you have now. Wow. I mean, do you think so with these kinds of shifts? I think so. Like I, my brain is still wrapping around it cause you told me, get ready, I’m gonna change your world. And then like, Oh, okay Dame sir. And I’m like, wow, wait, I haven’t thought this way before.
[00:48:57] Well let’s give this. Why don’t we give you two weeks and then we’ll reconvene for another half hour one-on-one, and we can combine me interviews together so people can see what happened after two weeks time. So you’re going to reach out to a bunch of open source developers to start talking to them.
[00:49:14] You get to be a complete newbie. You get to be a complete beginner. Just be clueless and ask them everything you’re lost about. People get so scared about launching software. But instead of actually doing something with the fear, they just stay scared, right? What you can actually do, and what I did with software is I’m like, what’s a server mean?
[00:49:32] How do you do the domain? What’s DNS? And I had to like learn what all this stuff meant. So I just Googled it, or I talked to software developers about questions that completely confused me. And if a software developer can’t explain this stuff to you, then you probably don’t want to hire them anyway.
[00:49:45] Right? So you’re just going to talk to them big, this is what I want. Is this possible? I have no idea what I’m doing, but this is the outcome that I want. Okay, you’ll be off. So in two weeks time, I want you to talk to an email at least 20 open source developers, and I want you to think about that book title and think about [00:50:00] having a few of those 15 schools watch you implement it.
[00:50:03] Have like a weekly meetup with the 15 schools. Like, Hey guys, so I’m going to implement the technology in our school. Do you guys want to meet every week? And I’ll talk about what I’m doing. Okay. Every maybe every month and then they can watch you and then before long, they’re like going to start asking you for the product.
[00:50:18] Okay. In terms of inviting competition, stuff like if you don’t move fast enough, I have mixed feelings about that. Like I would, Google was the ninth search engine, not the first. Okay. What do you hear when I say that? They didn’t start it. They just focused on being so present and, no, no, no. They focused on delivering the result faster.
[00:50:41] They were just a search engine, but the first time you used Google search, it was faster than anything else. Hmm. But they only started as a search engine. They would not have anything else they did if they didn’t allow us for search. I mean, they got their butt kicked by YouTube, so they bought them.
[00:50:54] Google tried to make video, but they didn’t do video goods. YouTube did. So they bought YouTube. That’s interesting. I didn’t know that. They tried to beat YouTube for like two or three years to Google a video. They couldn’t do it. So if I bought him $2 million to talk to you after that, a lot of people try starting video websites.
[00:51:09] Cause they’re just monkeys chasing cheese. I don’t know if monkeys chase cheese, like Google focused on the result. People want information fast. So you win based on if you deliver the result better. And in terms of having people like rip you off, I really think like if you go more open source yourself with this, like you open source your technology, you open source your ideas.
[00:51:34] You’ll probably invite collaboration instead of competition. Cause you could say, listen guys, the last thing I want to do is have a bunch of people competing on an education platform. I’d rather have us all do the fundamentals really well. So here they are. That’s like some mother Teresa type. That level of generosity.
[00:51:50] We’re both pretty well, I mean like let’s say you did have like 10 people that has ripped it off and never did anything for you. Well at least children are helped. Right, and you’ll [00:52:00] have your benefit. You definitely will. You know, it’ll be a pioneer. The person that introduced it, you know, you could make $1 million a year, pretty easy.
[00:52:06] I think even if people are trying to take your idea, that’s how I would approach it. Like if I had your idea, I would give it away and I would not try to build a software product unless I understood all the details to solve. It could actually be. Like you want to, I would build your thing if I could do it with a team of less than 10 people, right?
[00:52:25] But if it takes more than 10 people a, call it a day. So how do you know if it takes more than 10 people? You told me talk to the 20 open source developers. That’s how you’ll know. They’ll tell you they’re very good at code. They work on group projects. All your problems are solved in terms of tech. Now.
[00:52:41] But just knowing that you talked to these open source folks, you don’t need to know anything. Did you hear the story about Henry Ford getting sued and they’re trying to test Henry Ford’s knowledge and finally they’d like stumped Henry Ford in the courtroom and Henry’s like, guys, I don’t pride myself on knowing answers.
[00:52:56] I pride myself on having a team that knows the answers. I just have the questions that make sense. So be more like Henry Ford live in the question. Ask those questions with open source. So you’ve talked to those 20 folks and implement it for your school and enroll the 15 people to watch it happen. And you could have fun with it cause you can say, Hey guys, so we’re going to roll out the software project with my school.
[00:53:16] So we’re going to try and break my school first. He, he wink, wink, and you know, you can watch me either try and run this into the ground or make it a success. Would you guys like to watch? I bet they say yes. What do you think though? I mean, I think it sounds, if I was hearing it, I’d want to be part of it.
[00:53:30] Yeah. And then as it starts to work in the school you’re watching, you’re probably gonna really want to get your hands on it, right? Yeah. I like this. I like this way a lot. Okay. That makes a lot of sense. And you’re right. You blew my mind. Good. I mean, we’re just trying to get a really successful implementation of something you’ve dedicated so much time to, you know, we really want to do this in a way where it doesn’t hurt.
[00:53:54] Like, like when I said I could tell you something that would make your life a living hell or really easy. Like this is a [00:54:00] very touchy issue on how you would advise this, but for me, you implement it yourself. You have 15 schools, watch it. Those 15 schools watch it. Basically the results, things flow. Maybe you get to a hundred schools and then all this competition comes in, but you’ve got a hundred schools and out of a hundred schools they’ve got a thousand students.
[00:54:17] Is $1 million a year. You’ve got a team of three people that run that whole thing for you combined. You pay them $400,000 for $600,000 leftover for you, but you’re working normal school hours. That’s great. Schools make great customers and no weekends, summers are off. We’ll kind of. Kind of right. That’s a myth.
[00:54:41] Teachers might have summers off, but when you’re in leadership, it doesn’t really happen. At least leadership of a charter school. Okay, so tell me everything that’s on your mind and then we’ll end. I’m still wrapping my brain around the different pieces. You don’t have to make any sense. Just talk. So my, when I’m contacting open source people, I’m not trying to solidify any deals with them to actually get them to commit.
[00:55:06] It’s just asking to understand what I need to do. Yeah. You don’t want to marry him yet. You want to take him on some dates, talk to him. Okay. And then I’m changing my book title. I think so, yeah. I did send you a cover, a sample of the cover. Cause now I’m wondering if my, the image that I had is going to work.
[00:55:26] I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, but I know I’ll get there. I just have to like sit with these thoughts for a few minutes and just wrap my brain around it. And I guess I need to start with finding an emailing open source. People. Right. So this is really good cause you have an idea, you’re not sure about how does it get built.
[00:55:43] You bring it to the open opensource software developer. There’s some subtle strategy and what I’m teaching you that I haven’t really spoken to on to speak to it really quickly. So you bring an idea to a software developer and you start asking them how it can be built, how big the team is and what would be required.
[00:55:57] And like you’re just really confused. You need some guidance [00:56:00] and they start helping you. And then maybe it crosses a line where they’ve been helping you for three hours and they need to start charging you just for consulting. You’ll be able to feel that it will be able to feel that out or something.
[00:56:08] But if they had been working for you, like, you know, like a lot of software developers like can’t help it. So like, Ooh, an idea. Oh, like they can’t help it. They’re like, Oh, I have to build it. So what happens is you’ll ask them all these questions and they’ll think through it, and then they’ll start becoming really invested in your idea, and then you can start talking about bringing them on and because you have paying customers lined up and all this and that, you could potentially secure some really talented developers because you’ve got such a solid promise.
[00:56:33] Okay. But basically asking them questions will help them buy into your project more. And how does this way of thinking tie into like the connection to like Harvard or the Erikson Institute? Like they’re more interested in the research side of things. And so. Like they want, for example, that, you know, a typical education research model is you get a control group and you get the experimental group and you know, you implement the model and the experimental group, and then you look at the control group and we look at the differences in academics.
[00:57:03] Like, do I need to worry about any of that or do I just kind of go say, I think there’s benefits to both, but I think that. Fastest way to advance is not going in that direction. Don’t you already have the control group or so non control group. You’re just putting a tech to what worked. Yeah, an implement it now, so we could just take any scores from random schools that are not implementing the model.
[00:57:29] Yeah, I mean, you, you did it democratic schools. I mean, you, you could roll it out. This could set your entire family legacy up for like 50 years if you do this right, right. Yeah. So what I would do with this is like you roll it out to a school, we’ll say, let’s roll it out to half of your school for the year and let the other half just be stable.
[00:57:46] And so you have like a really, really accurate control group. Okay, you’re implementing in your school then the 15 schools like, Oh, I love it. So, okay, great. Let’s just roll it out with half of your students. Okay. I don’t know if that works cause like so, so different between schools, [00:58:00] but maybe you end up doing one school and one not be a figure those details out.
[00:58:04] You know, see, my approach to competition is I’d usually just let competition do their own thing and I just stay obsessed with my customers. I don’t really think about competition. I just connect deeply with my customers and I obsessed about taking care of them. If I listen to competitors, I start competing on features.
[00:58:18] If I listen to customers, I keep my product simple and focused on results. That makes sense. So just stay obsessed about your schools. You’ve got one heck of a reputation to bind you. Right? And I did. I mean, what do you think about like, because you get into nondisclosure agreements society, you worry about any of that, or you just completely go forward and disclose all your ideas and whatever happens happens.
[00:58:39] And I’ve had people say, you should really be having people sign nondisclosure agreements. I don’t know. That’s up to you. I’ve never been in the land of anything too proprietary. I can get the need for him at certain levels like this, right? I mean a software dev, you could say, listen, I just need like a verbal, a verbal commitment on email that you’re not going to share this because I got people at Harvard and like people like wanting this.
[00:58:59] This is a big deal. Like when you drop Harvard and your email and stuff, you’re going to have a lot of fun talking to these software depths. So say like, I was like, I don’t want to have the strict NDA, but like, I just want to know that you’re not going to share it with anyone. You need verbal commitment.
[00:59:11] I say reply and say, yes, you know, maybe I go for a contract. Maybe you know that to say that it takes more sales. So like I read an email that’s really flushed out and it’s talking about Harvard is talking about this, talking about all these details, about 15 schools ready to buy it, how the model is this.
[00:59:25] Your students are getting this results as really good platform. And then you even just have like the contract prepared, the MDA contract prepared a link to the electronic signature software where all they have to do is click a link to sign. And then those developers that click the link and sign and reply, you can just talk to, so you’re real easy for them to sign.
[00:59:44] Okay. Do you notice a pattern of what I’m doing every time here? I think you’re identifying the problem then walking through solutions. I can work through. Yeah. And making it real easy so you can’t fail. Right. Cause if you ask a software developer to sign an NDA and they’re like, wow though, so it’s [01:00:00] work and do it well versus if you just give them the link to sign it, they’ll probably go, that’s fine.
[01:00:05] You know, reduced friction. Okay. What’s one word you would use to describe how you’re feeling. Amazingly overwhelmed, like I’m overwhelmed, but I’m like excited to think about this in a different light. What kind of a different light? It’s like a mind, a paradigm shift for me. I hadn’t thought about, you know, just giving away that whole technology and.
[01:00:27] Doing a licensing fee. I hadn’t thought about anything with open source, like I’ve learned a lot in a short amount of time. What you’ve built sounds so complicated that I don’t know if many people would actually want to rip it off. Do you think it could be so complicated that it doesn’t go anywhere?
[01:00:44] Only one way to find out. Right. It will go. I know. sorry. Go on. You got demand. Everything’s there. So good job today. Thank you. I appreciate it so much, Dean. So listen, if you’d like to offer feedback on this episode, we would treasure that. Let us know what you want more of and what you want less of for this show and we’ll make sure we try to incorporate that.
[01:01:06] You can email the feedback to hello as start from just put feedback in the subject line. Now if you’d like to build a 20,000. Dollar per month, business minimum. I’ve got a friend who actually does this every single month. Some months he makes as much as $87,000 in a month. I asked him about, and he told me, man, if I can do this, anybody can do it.
[01:01:28] So we’ve turned this into a fully comprehensive course that you can take to learn how to quickly build a $20,000 per month business. If you’d like information on that, you can go to start from and on the homepage you’ll find a link to it. Now, if you’ve been struggling to take action, if you really feel there’s more for your life.
[01:01:45] But you know you’re going to need to take action to do it, but taking action is so difficult. You just can’t seem to get yourself to do it. We have a wonderful free tool. You can find forward slash DJP and if you go there within 20 [01:02:00] minutes of applying the process, you’ll find yourself wanting to play the game, wanting to step in the game and wanting to take action.
[01:02:06] I use DJP for myself all the time with things like figuring out revenue models, figuring out lead capture systems, figuring out how to hire someone. Ever stuck with a difficult action. I’ll actually apply DJP because what it does is it wakes up a deeper intuition, a deeper wisdom, so we can actually do something really cool instead of stay stuck.
[01:02:25] So that’s it. Please rate the show. Please subscribe and go on and listen to the next episode. Let’s do this.
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